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I was looking at newegg at wireless routers as I want to get one that supports ddwrt firmware and noticed two new ones a hadn't seen before. One is an asus and the other netgear, both with 3 antennas, and both claiming 240Mbps. Is this a new standard, or just another super g attempt? Has anybody had experience with these routers?

Heres the link http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=ENE&N=2050410145+1132820429&Subcategory=145&description=&srchInDesc=&minPrice=&maxPrice=

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I just wish the netgear had gigabit lan ports, seems a bit pricey.

gigabit lan ports would be a nice extra.

but we use that router in my offce, and when im out in the shop on my laptop i get a very consistantant 10-20mbps and im about 550 feet away from the router.

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just theoretical speed...  you might see 120's - 130's... but like dlewis said.. have to buy the cards from netgear.. and if you put a standard g computer on there you are going to drop down to the good old 54mbps..  The highest I have seen on a 54g router is about 33ish..

I would wait til 802.11n is ready.. 500+mbps is what the spec is approved for..

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