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Check this out if you are interested in how memory works :)

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...this is a little C++ program I worked on some time ago - it simulates a typical memory leak that could happen if a program is not written with respect to good memory management

What it does, is it creates a linked list of 10,000 nodes in it, containing some data (like name, phone number, email address...) - it prints out the record number (0-10,000) and a generated record id

In the first instance of the program: Project2 - Leak - the program itself is missing a destructor - which is supposed to be part of the memory management - it basically destroys each node after it is processed - as nodes are added into memory - it leaks - your computer runs out of physical memory and the program starts using the oh famous page file - the program might crash ur computer if you have your page file set up too low - no worries, it doesnt harm it (just make sure you have everything saved before you run it)

In the 2nd instace of the program: Project1 - No Leak - the program uses the correct memory management, processes each linked list node (contact record) and it deletes it - the memory is not leaked and everything is fine :)

Source code: for those who are interested:

/* Warning:    Close all other applications before debugging this program.

   You may have to restart your computer after running the program.    */

#include <iostream>

#include <string.h>

#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

// forward declaration

int insert(void);

void deletion(void);

// global variables

int IDgenerator = 0;

class contact {


char name[30];

char phone[20];

char email[30];

contact *next;

int userId;


contact() {}

contact(char* name, char* phone, char* email){

strcpy(this->name, name);

strcpy(this->phone, phone);

strcpy(this->email, email);

userId = IDgenerator++;

this->next = NULL;


contact* getNext() { return next; }

void setNext(contact* nx) { next = nx; }

                                //This is the destructor method - uncoment it and it collects the

                                //unused memory - leak is fixed



// if(getNext() != NULL )

// delete getNext();


} *head = NULL; // declare head pointer as global

int main() { 

int i = 0, j = 0;

clock_t start =  clock( );

while (i<10000) {

for (j = 0 ; j<1000; j++) {

insert(); // insert 1000 records




cout << i << " - " << IDgenerator << endl;



clock_t end =  clock( );

cout << "time use = " << (end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds"<<endl;

return 0;


int insert() {

contact *node;

char sname[30] = "John", sphone[20] = "1234 567", semail[30] = "[email protected]";

node = new contact(sname, sphone, semail);

if (node == NULL) {

cout << "ERROR - Could not allocate memory !" << endl;

return -1;



head = node;

return 0;


void deletion() {

delete head;

head = NULL;


For those of you who would like to run the program - feel free :) I can assure you it wont harm ur system in any way - if you will run the memory leak program, make sure you are not running anything important (because your computer might crash if you have don't have the suffiecient memory)



That's pretty cool.  It eventually maxes my memory usage, with only spikes of CPU usage.  The other one, No-Leak, just maxes my CPU out without affecting the memory usage.  Can you provide the source code for that one, for comparison purposes?

to shug - i have an explenation of what the programs do in my 1st post

to FellowEarth - the only difference in code is that you have to uncomment this



      //   if(getNext() != NULL )

      //      delete getNext();


so basically just remove the // from those 4 lines and you have a working code for the one that does not leak memory

the line delete getNext(); is actually recursive - c++ automatically calls the destructor method again every time it sees the word delete - and it will keep executing that method untill it reaches NULL - which would mean it reached the end of the linked list

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