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As I have posted before I beleive in protectionism & would eliminate all outsourcing.I would stop all imagration to the USA.In other words put a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty.If people in other countries want their country like the USA let them fight & build their country like my ancestors did in the USA.The reason the USA is like it is is because my ancestors gave sweat & blood to make it this way.

I think they are rolling over in their graves at the way the USA is becoming.Sold out by big business & the government for money.

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As I have posted before I beleive in protectionism & would eliminate all outsourcing.I would stop all imagration to the USA.In other words put a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty.If people in other countries want their country like the USA let them fight & build their country like my ancestors did in the USA.The reason the USA is like it is is because my ancestors gave sweat & blood to make it this way.

I think they are rolling over in their graves at the way the USA is becoming.Sold out by big business & the government for money.

that's the truth.

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Guess I'll get on my soap box some more.Unless someone wants to say "Damn cholla get off your soap box"

I also beleive population control would be good for the USA .I would like to see us take it down to about 20 million people.Think about what this would do to the petroleum dependence on other countries.

Some wouldn't think this would be enough to protect the USA but new missle silos,some Star wars satellites & being willing to use them we could defend the USA.

I still think it's crazy that the USA has spent trillions on building nuclear weapons but only used 2 bombs in war.Both in the same war & almost at the same time.Then the USA demolishs missle silos.What a waste.This is the government which seems to act independently of what the majority of citizens want.When we the people get tired enough of it I guess there will be the Second American Revolution.

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Did not work on mine. I even installed Flash 8 on the link. It said it was successful. Only when I pulled the needle across the status bar, did I get to see the pic.

I rebooted and cleaned my cache, and it worked just fine.

The problem is we want it cheaper, and the company's want a better profit. And nobody here will work cheap any more. Instead of working cheap, they go on welfare.

So what would be a better solution? :confused2: :confused2:

Welcome to the forum Ankur. :wave:

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