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I recently became an xplornet client (wireless canopy) and was extremely pleased with the bandwidth available. I enrolled at 3 meg and regularly tested at 2.3 meg or so through my wireless modem. I have added vonage Voip phone service to my connectionand have noted a 2/3 reduction in my connect speed even when the phone is not in use. I am wondering if this is a normal condition with voice over service.

Thank you Bill

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I believe my change in speed is due to the installation of Vonage Voip phone service. Before I had a Vonage wireless modem for my phone and internet, I had two other wireless modems which exhibited slow connect problems. My Trend net modem never did work properly despite repeated attempts to contact their service people. It ran only at around 60 k connect speed. My D-links wireless modem worked much better (up to 2.7 M on a 3M line) but only after the local isp for xplornet (Decastris in Belleville) came and set it up for me. My problem (I believe) is now due to my Vonage phone connection and the Linksys wireless modem which is in my 3 meg bandwidth.

In short, if you are not getting the speed that you expect you should talk to xlornet. Even though they say that they are not responsible for anything past the modem, they were able, after several calls, to set up my old D-link wireless to perform at optimum and the ONLY problem that I am having now is probably due to my Voice Over phone. Of course if I were to pay for more bandwdth It would probably improve my problem.

Hope this has been of some help.


  • 2 weeks later...

I am on their McGregor tower just  outside windsor, I bought their 1.5 meg service, at the best of times I could only get <5 meg of connection after several calls and emails to tech support, including 2 weeks of test logs from here, I finally got a tech that found the configuration problem on their end. I took 2 months to get this straightened out and the first thing all the tech support people did was blame me for having spyware, virus and trojans on my machine (which I dont) this monh the service has been terrible again, went for over 24 hours with no service because hydro one had a problem, I guess they don't have any back up or contingecy plans, like a ups or generator. today no service for 3 hours and now i have .3 megs Now I know why they want a $250 CASH only installation fee, They have to try to keep you here by not wanting to forfeit your money. Ther is a new game in town and one they get their feet wet for a few months all I can is  goodbye to this uncaring unreliable ISP.


I am afraid that I do not share your woes with explornet. Soon after my original post in this forum, my connection speed miraculously increased to almost its original speed. I am now back up to 1.8 meg download speed with a wireless modem and Vonage on my system. Both the wireless modem and vanage have proven to reduce bandwidth which we mustexpect. I have nothing to complain about with Xplornet Vonage or my local isp Decartes Communications in Belleville. I have had nothing but help from all 3 with my problem.

Your comm. problems may have something to do with your wireless modem which Vonage provided. The setup for this unit seems to be no ones problem lol. Decartis has been a great help with my setup and i thank them for that.


Yesterday I spent over an hour on the phone with tech support because they wouldn't admit there was a problem between the tower and the net. They kept telling me the problem must be on my end claiming I had some kind of spyware or trojan, wrong, my machine is clean. I told them the problem arose right after the tower went offline, It never fully recovered. I had 56K dial-up speeds all day. All I wanted from tech support was to let them know there was still a problem if they didn't know and if they did know what kind of timeline for resolution. I though that was not unreasonable. tech support either knows nothing or they are unwilling to share. I have been to the "level2" tech several times and nothing ever comes of it. Oh BTW my computer must of healed itself because my speed is back this morning, well back to 75% anyway.I like how they tell me if I buy 1,5Meg I should be happy to get half of that. WRONG I pay for 1.5 meg I want 1.5 meg, particularly since I'm on line mostly at Off peak times like 4 am.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Direcway satellite internet dish on my motor home. I have been experiencing very slow speeds since late January when Hughes for some reason caused Frequency 1350 to become unusable and Only after days of no service I was told to try Frequency 1070 which worked to get my service back up. Ever since then the speed has been much slower. I am now testing speeds to see if I can prove to xplornet that I am not getting what I am paying for. Are there any other DirecWay dish users with Xplornet having similar problems?

Hey Bill:

I noticed your post and felt compelled to add my 2c worth.  I recently became an Xplornet customer too.  Early on, before they signed many customers onto this tower, bandwidth seemed OK.  It was clear to me that we were not reaching the 3MB speed that was advertised, (I never read the fine print) but our connection speed was acceptable considering the cost.

After calling Xplornet a few times to see what's up, I was finally able to get out of them what is going on:  The advertised 3 MB bandwidth is for the first 5 MB, after that they cut the speed back to 0.7MB continuous.  If you are simply surfing the net pages will load fairly quickly, however if you attempt a large download, it definitely will not come to you any more than 0.7 MB/sec if you have a 3 MB package.  0.6 MB/sec continuous if you get the 1.5 MB package.

A very simple way to see this yourself is: if your internet connection has been idle for a while, do a 3 finger salute to bring up the task manager on a Windows system, then click on the networking tab.  Start a fairly large download and see what happens

hey bricklin, we had the tech guys come out again this time they installed a dish looking device with the 2.4ghz receiver on it, and my service is now at 3megs constantly. just thought i would throw that your way to see if you mention it they might do something about it.

Hah The Plot Thickens

The subscribers to xplornet canopy in my are have had a large circular dish installed on their homes. There is a large rectangular paddle like receiver in the focus.

When Decastris installed my dish they installed a small oval dish with a small modem in the focus. When questioned, the installer said that because of my location, I could use the high frequency receiver since the transmit tower (which is 10 miles away) has direct line of sight with no obstructions. It seems that the other subscribers have trees obstructing their view of the tower and the high frequency modem would not work.

The installer said that my service would have much more consistant speed because of this and continued use has proven him right.

The upshot is this. If You can see the lights of the tower where your transmitter is located, you might be better served with this updated receiver.

  • 1 month later...

as it turns out they were doing a very slow upgrade to the tower i was on, It was piggy backed to another tower but is now online by itself, It only took them a month to straighten it out and I was only told about it AFTER it was all done. I had 3 seperate days with no conection, spent over 20 hours on hold with tech support. luckily all is well right now. I can see the tower from my dish and am less than 7KM from it, it is an easy connection and have great connectivity to the tower, it was the connection from the tower to the net that sucked, but that is supposedly better now. I have the 1.5M package and routinley am in the 1 to 1.2 area with the largest test.

Well bricklin. congrats. looks like you have this one licked. good luck to you when your ip connect number changes (if you have a floating ip). i usually get everything back in order by turning everything (including both modems) off and on. it usually takes several minutes to reaquire the ip.

  • 2 months later...

Anyone have some reports on the Fair access policy?  Have you guys been dropped to half speed because of it?

I'm looking at getting the service, but I want to be able to download game demos and such (some over 600megs)  And has anyone tried online gaming ie. Xbox Live or any P2P programs?  I heard P2P and bittorrent programs don't work with it.

Thanks Guys (and Girls)!

Hi Maverick

The only consistant loss in connection speed that I have experienced has been due to additions that I have made to my network. However, I do not get really consistant speed with this system like I did when I was on cable. As said elsewhere in this forum, I get anywhere from 1600 to 2400 kbs download speed at any given time.

Welcome to testmy Maverick.



After I posted to you I went to the main site to do a download test. This is

the result.

Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 11151 Kbps about 11.15 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1361 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/09/14 - 7:49am

Bottom Line:: 194X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.75 sec

Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 8.933 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 49.04 % faster than the average for host (aol.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MTGKF32OZ

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; HbTools 4.8.0) [!]

the result.

Not too shabby for 3 mbs bandwidth. However it never lasts too long so I try to take advantage of it.



After I posted to you I went to the main site to do a download test. This is

the result.

Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 11151 Kbps about 11.15 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1361 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/09/14 - 7:49am

Bottom Line:: 194X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.75 sec

Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 8.933 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 49.04 % faster than the average for host (aol.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MTGKF32OZ

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; HbTools 4.8.0) [!]

the result.

Not too shabby for 3 mbs bandwidth. However it never lasts too long so I try to take advantage of it.


your not really getting that speed, you need to test using ie or firefox don't do a speed test in the aol software they cache everything locally so it gives you a cached result.

your not really getting that speed, you need to test using ie or firefox don't do a speed test in the aol software they cache everything locally so it gives you a cached result.

But dlewis, it looked so nice, and felt so good.

I would personally not have AOL anywhere near my computer.

  • 4 weeks later...

hey bricklin, we had the tech guys come out again this time they installed a dish looking device with the 2.4GHz receiver on it, and my service is now at 3megs constantly. just thought i would throw that your way to see if you mention it they might do something about it.

Do you happen to have a picture of this unit?  I tried to get the wireless (900mhz) but was in a "grey" area.  Had to go with the satellite system.  Not happy with that but it's still better than dial up.

  • 2 months later...

I have the satellite internet from Xplornet.  Had it for months now.  I've got the KaBang. Supposed to be 1 Mbps down and 256 Kbps up.  Not a chance.  Usually half that or less.  A lot of stalls and disconnects.  I wouldn't recommend it for the money.  Not only the monthly fee, but you have to pay an arm and a leg for installation and the equipment.  Anytime I call tech support, they do nothing to help.  Is there any way to get better service out of these guys?  I called tech support last night because I kept getting dissconnected.  There has not been a single day that I've had a constant connection.  This time they said I got FAPed.  This is not true.  I monitor my data transfer and it was no where near the 169MB limit.  Tried the modem, tried the anit virus, tried the spyware, took my computer to work with no probems.  They have a list of excuses to get rid of you.  Don't buy it.  If you're having constant problems, it's on their end but they won't admit it.  I've troubleshooted ever possible scenario and it all boils down to them having crap service.  I am expecting a "LEVEL 2" call today because I stumped the "LEVEL 1" guy last night.  I will keep everyone posted and I will continue to spread my story until I am satisfied with their service or get a refund on the $800 installation and equipment charge.  There are employees of Xplornet that post here as well and they have nothing but good things to say.  Do your research people. 

Just got off the phone with Telus and they will have DSL in my area within 2 months.  That means that Xplornet will only have my business for 2 more months!!!  Thank God!!!  Nothing worse than crap service.  It seems that's the only kind you get in Alberta!!!  Kills me to have paid $800 for equipment and installation.  I'll never have anything good to say about Xplornet.

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