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OK, so I'm trying to imbed screenshots directly in Outlook and O Express!

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I believe I've formated the apps to do that, however, when I try it, using the code for imbeding images for email at xs.to, all I get is this in the mails:

<a href="http://xs.to"><img src="http://xs100.xs.to/xs100/06193/ScreenShot22.png" title="Free image hosting powered by xs.to"></a>

instead of the image.  What is wrong with this?  Also, in the thread on turning one word into the link, can that be done in emails also?  Thank You!

ratchet;In OE when you are sending a new message there is a picture selection in the insert pulldown.Mine has an icon on the toolbar in new message too.

If your trying to put in a picture that will be in every e-mail you send then I don't know how to do that.Except to put it in each time.

I believe I've formated the apps to do that, however, when I try it, using the code for imbeding images for email at xs.to, all I get is this in the mails:

<a href="http://xs.to"><img src="http://xs100.xs.to/xs100/06193/ScreenShot22.png" title="Free image hosting powered by xs.to"></a>

instead of the image.  What is wrong with this?  Also, in the thread on turning one word into the link, can that be done in emails also?  Thank You!

what code are you using for embeding the images? and yes you can do the one word into a link in emails.

So what is wrong with this, that it shows this but not the image in an email?  This is a screen shot of the mail!  Thank You!


for the image to show up and link back to that site you have to use this code.

<a href="http://xs.to">

<img border="0" src="http://xs300.xs.to/xs300/06193/ScreenShot001.jpg" width="308" height="248"></a>

Try this code:

<p><img src="http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/pc/docs/2002/yajiuma/07/xentex4.jpg"></p>

The link to your pic would be in the "" marks


You need to make sure the mail client is configured for sending pics/html.  In Outlook Express:

-click Tools, Options, Send tab.

-set Mail Sending Format to HTML

-click HTML Settings...

-check the box for Send pictures with messages

-click OK, Apply, OK

:shrug: Can't you save the pic and attach it?

I know that for certain web-based mail that I have used, you need to click "view HTML source" in the compose window in order to actually modify the HTML. Then you can put in all the code you want.



[code]<p><img src="http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/pc/docs/2002/yajiuma/07/xentex4.jpg"></p>[/code]

I sent it in email using the code above and it worked fine.  If you used this code letter-for-letter, then it would indicate that either a) the software is not configured to send HTML, or B) the account (ISP) does not allow it.

I suspect it is just me being a 58 yr old idiot!  However, having said that, I'll take a screen shot (I've tried both Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) and JPEG (*.jpg)), then host it at http://xs.to/.  After you upload it you have a choice of three forum code options (I always use the first one), one link code and one email code to copy.  I copy the email code and paste it in my pop3 client mail and send it.  The problem is, it only ever shows the link to xs, which by the way does work.  The reason I even want to do this is because I want to send a shot of an error message I get at work in Outlook to our IT person.  I had a tooth extracted today so I've been trying it with Express since I was home and haven't been able to get it to work with Outlook at the office.  I'm sure I have both apps formated to send images.  I don't want an attachment or a link, just the image imbeded in the mail.  Thank you for all your help!

It is a cable company in western PA:  http://www.agoc.com/cable.htm  I tried this at work today on the state dsl network for like an hour with no success.  I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong, however, I definitely have Outlook and O Express formated to do this during my attempts!

ratchet ;I went to the image hosting site you posted & did an image then I copied all the codes.I then tried to send them to my gmali & back to outlook express.They never even changed from code.I tried to put them in like FallowEarth's & dlewis23's examples.

I had no problem sending it as an image the way I posted before .

So if you can't insert a picture in OE the regular way.Maybe your OE has became corrupt & you need to reinstall it.

Hey gang, I've been beating my head against the wall for nothing:  "I don't think you can embed an image that's hosted on another site. It'll just give you a link to go to (like you've already noticed). The only way I ever embed images is by putting the image on my hard drive. When you get to the point in your new email message that you want to put a picture, go to the Insert menu at the top of the page and select Picture. It'll give you the typical search box to find it with, so just click on Browse, find where you saved the picture to your hard drive, and select it, then hit Okay. It should put the picture right in the email."  I did send some tests to my work account (could actually see the screen shots in my sent mail) from home but when I open the Outlook Web Access, the little image icon is in the body of the mail but it vanishes immediately.  It may be some sort of security thing on our network.  I'll have to wait until Monday to test, hoping pc to pc on the network would allow that if that is the problem.  The home Outlook Web Access thing is very watered down, it doesn't even have an insert tab.  Thanks again everyone!

ratchet;In OE when you are sending a new message there is a picture selection in the insert pulldown.Mine has an icon on the toolbar in new message too.

If your trying to put in a picture that will be in every e-mail you send then I don't know how to do that.Except to put it in each time.

ratchet;Not to give you too hard a time .Isn't this what I posted as the first answer to your question?

You can also put images on a floppy or CD & use them they don't have to be on your Hard Drive.

ratchet ;I guess I did the "Send Pictures with Message" in format so long ago I forgot about doing it.Aparrently it stays formatted once you do it.I looked at mine & it is checked.It's good to know just in case though.

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