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Ok so im gettin my license soon, and possibly a car about a year or almost a year after i get my license.  I really like manual transmission, but my parents dont exactly want me to get it cause they say i will crash (even though i would be LESS likely t ocrash cuz with manual u actually gotta pay attention!)

Well, since i cant get a manual tranny, i was looking into others...automatic being one of the others obviously, but thats not wat got my attention

wat got my attention is a different type of tranny thats essentially a manual transmission, but u dont have to manually do the whole clutch thing, and a lot of cars got paddle shifters for them ;)

so i just wanted to know if you guys know any cars that have SMG transmissions, cause i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want one

So far, i've only heard of SMG in BMW's--i think it was in the Z4 M3 and 6 series, maybe more too

So, if anyone in the forum knows alot about SMG, or just cars in general, i would love some input of more cars that have SMG

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Audis have this transmission your talking about

You can find out more about this at www.audiusa.com

Mercedes-Benz also has this www.mbusa.com

Both very good companies,with very good powerful cars,safe too, and the Audi also is a little more affordable :)

And btw,in those companies its not called SMG but theyre all the same thing ;)

first off, how much are you willing to spend.

then there's two type of gearboxes with paddle shifters.

one is the manual gearbox, where the paddle shifters cause a computer to actuate the transmission via hydraulic/pneumatic controls.

then there's the full automatics with paddle shifters, essentially an automatic transmission with the paddles as inputs for the computer.

usually both types will not allow the engine to over/under rev. meaning that it won't let you downshift if the engine's rpm would spike too high in the lower gear, it will upshift once max rpm is reached, and downshift when you drop below min rpm.

the manual or sequential gearboxes with paddle shifters have the drawback that the actuators in the transmission are a possible source of mechanical trouble.

the ones with auto transmissions are to be preferred, as you will have the thing essentially in drive, and you have the paddle to downshift (within the rpm limits of course) or upshift if you desire. for example downshifting before passing another car, preempting the short delay that would occur if the tranny downshifts when you kickdown to pass, downshifting in a corner to have lower gear to accelarate out of the corner etc.

other types are the automatics with a manual mode, bmw for example offers them. you push the lever out of drive to one side of the normal path, and can then upshift/downshift as above.

otherwise, i would always prefer an auto over a manual, it beats the hell out of a stick in bumper to bumper (no annoying clutching all the bloody fucking time your stuck in a traffic jam with one gazillion other schlubs to and from... but i digress.

and besides, an automatic is sportier than a manual. take two identical cars, one with a manual, the other with automatic.

the automatic will usually outaccelerate the manual, unless the person driving the stick is very very sharp.

cruise controls also work better with automatic than manual, since the auto can downshift at a hill while the manual will justget floored and strain itself.

and if you're looking for some neat performance look at volkswagen (also skoda and seat) turbo diesels. a modern turbo diesel volkswagen golf will run 150 hp, 350nm of torque, while getting you 40 miles to the gallon, or about 6 liters per 100km, depending where you life. don't punch it and the mileage gets even better. the torque from a diesel is sooooo sweet. <message ends due to rambling. post terminated.>

well, most likely my parents will spend 25000 tops for my first car

and i dont really want automatic cause they slow you down a lot, but i am kinda weary on manual cause i dont wanna blow engine and have to pay MONEY to fix it

and i definately do not want VW cuz i dislike it with PASSION

and mercedes are completely out of question lol

the only other thing that i've found that seems pretty good is tiptronic/steptronic/etc. transmissions

how exactly are tiptronics when driving if anyones come in contact with them?  do they let you get performance close to that of the same car with manual transmission? 

the car i've been thinking of for a while is the RSX because its got tiptronic, but i need to know more about it first

Well for 25000 u can buy the Audi A4 like I was talking about that has the paddle shifters and is a very good looking car with power ;)

And I like the RSX as well very nice car which goes between 16-20 grand,which would give u extra money to tune it up ;) ;)

Tiptronic is a special kind of transmission. It combines the convenience and refinement of the automatic transmission with the driving pleasure and dynamics of a manual transmission. The driver can switch from automatic to tiptronic at any time while driving. In both modes, gear shifts take place with no power interruption. The multitronic

25000 what?

pounds, lira, canadian?

and with that in mind, you should take the time to do some test drives. you will be surprised at how much sportier an auto is, you don't feel shifts hardly, and like you said, it won't let the engine stay at high rpm too long.

pretty much all the tiptronics et al give better performance than manual, only time they re slower than automatic is when you insist on shifting yourself.

hm. tuning, as in ricing it up with body panls and stuff, sure. but you should not touch the drivetrain. for example adding supercharger/turbo to normally aspirated engine=sudden premature death of the same. the engine is built to perform at spec forever, but increase compression by adding blower, inject more fuel, you get more stress on the engine block, more heat in the pistons, all equaling much more wear and tear.

Well for me because I already got my first car  I really want either a 2005 subaru impreza or a 93 Mazda RX7 Twin Turbo but for now ill stick with my Peice of shit.

And I think that standard are safer to have, just make sure you know how to drive then or youll have to change the clutch, thats not fun,  Tell your parents some lame thing saying that, youll drive faster with the automatic! Thats what I do when I get my moms car,

25000 what?

pounds, lira, canadian?

and with that in mind, you should take the time to do some test drives. you will be surprised at how much sportier an auto is, you don't feel shifts hardly, and like you said, it won't let the engine stay at high rpm too long.

pretty much all the tiptronics et al give better performance than manual, only time they re slower than automatic is when you insist on shifting yourself.

ok, for 25 grand there shouldn't be any question what you get, unless you're dead from the neck up.

forget the rice.

2005 ford mustang coupe v8, the premium starts at 26250 msrp, so that'ts right there in the price range.

there is /no/ sporty car at tha price that has better looks.

i absolutely hate ford...and that new mustang...i dont know what they were thinking wen they built it cuz it looks fugly

it must be an import, no domestic...especially not F.O.R.D.(FOUND ON ROAD DEAD!!!)

no its just i hate ford they look ugly as hell, even that new ford gt40, though its fast, doesnt look all that great (imo)

:haha: :haha: :haha:

looking for a rice burner and think this is ugly?

[img width=400 height=300]http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/launch/wallpaper/mst05_wp_800_ext_2.jpg

well everyone's entitled. but there's no replacement for displacement!!!

Tiptronic is a special kind of transmission. It combines the convenience and refinement of the automatic transmission with the driving pleasure and dynamics of a manual transmission. The driver can switch from automatic to tiptronic at any time while driving. In both modes, gear shifts take place with no power interruption. The multitronic

one thing about the multitronics:

they can't handle torque. proof of this is that the engines it is offered with are the gasoline ones. especially audi, whose multitronic according to tests is nice, offers it with a v6 gas, but even the 4 cylinder diesel according to audi has so much torque that it would turn the thing into a modern art masterpiece.

ok multitronic and tiptronic are not the same, correct?

the car im interested in is the Acura RSX

i want the type S, but i recently learned that it 'requires' the premium 91octane gas, whereas base model calls for regular gas..  Will it matter if i just put in the regular like 80somethin octane gas instead of the expensive ass 91octane one??

am i just better off getting a non type-s if im gonna use the regular, cheapest gas for the car?

man...stupid gas prices!

well, you can probably run it on regular. /but/:

reason for premium prolly higher compression than normal model, necessitating better resilience to knocking (premature ignition) by fuel. which is what the octane rating means.

possible consequences: 1 it can sense knocking, it adjusts for it more or less, causing loss of power/fuel economy. worst case: it fucks up the engine good because fuel ignites compression stroke.

either way, possible, but not a good idea.

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