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Yes I am.

I just finished a 12 week course at the local police department in which they gave classes to us covering what a new cadet goes thru in trainning very interesting.

At the end we went to the range and fired some of the tatical weapons they use.

Among them a AR-15 .


I own a Colt Single action .22 Nickle plated and just purchased a Glock model 22 40SW.

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this is the weapon that i would really like to have... :D

Caliber: .50 BMG (12.7 x 99mm)

Operation: Short Recoil, Semi-Automatic

Overall Length: 1448 mm

Barrel Length: 737 mm

Feed Device: 10 Round Detachable Box Magazine

Sights: 10X Telescopic

Weight: 12.9 kg empty

Muzzle Velocity: 854 m/s (M33 Ball)

Max Effective Range: 1800 meters

Expected accuracy: 1.5 - 2.0 MOA or better



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my first real semi -auto assault weapon was an ar-15 way pre ban,and it was pretty cool,it was light i liked that.but now my main weapon is a hechler and koch hk-91 in 7.62/51 mm of course and i also have a norinco sks also 7.62 but like the ak is chambered for the 7.62/39mm  short round. the hk is aweome, heavy but very accurate.it has the sliding stock and the bayonet and a bipod. 20 rd mags.the sks has a zytel black stock with folding buttstock ,folding blade bayonet and two 40 rd zytel plastic mags

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everything hk makes is sick,i love  those german arms,i had a 1909 german argentine issue mauser bolt action and that thing was solid,dead nuts, it think it was mountain corps cause it had a long barrel 30-06 calibre

ya the germans make some pertty good guns, but you just cant beat a good old M1, Thompson, or BAR

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having usedit professionally i'm gonna have to vote for the hk91. good to 400 meters with iron sights and 800+ with scope. and yeah it's heavy. but it also packs a better punch than those damned .223 popguns. not to mention the almost smg ak-47 with that short round.

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what do you guys mean when you say 'gets the job done' - i dont see any jobs that a firearm could possibly do in everyday life of an individual

disturbed I live in the country and stray wild critters come into the yard sometimes. Badgers(don't send your dog after this one), coyotes(haven't run up on any in the yard yet),racoons, opossum(have had a few the old dog got), skunks, gray fox, red fox, bobcats, cougars, mountains lions, muskrat, copper heads, and cotton mouth snakes.

I don't live in the everyday life of an individual.

So yes a 20 guage does get the "Job Done".

Any questions?

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disturbed I live in the country and stray wild critters come into the yard sometimes. Badgers(don't send your dog after this one), coyotes(haven't run up on any in the yard yet),racoons, opossum(have had a few the old dog got), skunks, gray fox, red fox, bobcats, cougars, mountains lions, muskrat, copper heads, and cotton mouth snakes.

I don't live in the everyday life of an individual.

So yes a 20 guage does get the "Job Done".

Any questions?

dang that is a lot of animals.  Wat kind of dog do you have.  I have a australian Shepheard mix and she basically goes after anything that moves and in a deed restricted neighborhood that is not a good thing

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Right now I have a brown Labrador 3 month old pup, for the kids. A couple of years ago (he passed on) I had a 1/2 Chow 1/2 Irish Setter. Acted mostly Chow, but had the Irish setter color. He would take on 4 dogs in a fight at a time, and be wagging his tail. Opossum did not bother him, he had taken out several of them.

Actually the worst I have seen in the yards was a badger. I had to help the neighbors dog out of that one. Thought I might have to get the shotgun out on that one. Luckily it ran off.

I live among 1,000 + acre farmers, in a small neighborhood. Of about 10 houses.

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Right now I have a brown Labrador 3 month old pup, for the kids. A couple of years ago (he passed on) I had a 1/2 Chow 1/2 Irish Setter. Acted mostly Chow, but had the Irish setter color. He would take on 4 dogs in a fight at a time, and be wagging his tail. Opossum did not bother him, he had taken out several of them.

Actually the worst I have seen in the yards was a badger. I had to help the neighbors dog out of that one. Thought I might have to get the shotgun out on that one. Luckily it ran off.

I live among 1,000 + acre farmers, in a small neighborhood. Of about 10 houses.

my dog is a measly 50LBS but has taken on many rottweilers and even tried to fight a german shepherd.  she was a stray dog before we got here and she really never backs down on a fight no matter how big the dog.  A few months ago she got in a fight with large rottweiler and she tore up her leg.  But miraculously the gauge healed up without stitches.  I honesly dont know how this dog is still alive.  The only animal she actually killed was a stray cat that approached her.  The funny is that she takes a lot of roghness from the family and never bite.  I can actually stick my hand in her mouth and grab her teeth and she tries as hard as she can to not bite me

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I guess I would have to say that at the moment all I own is an old Ted Williams 20 gauge shotgun. Really pristine shape, and gets the job done.

When I saw you had this gun I had to make a comment.I didn't own the ted williams 20 ga. it belonged to a friend.He would use his "better"12 ga. & I would use his old 20ga.This was probably 35 years ago maybe 30.We would hunt rabbits.btw I don't eat wild rabbit to much chance of disease but I didn't know better then.

Anyway this gun had a 3 position choke & I used the full choke setting .I could usually hit the rabbits head & not get shot in the shoulders.My freinds 12 ga. got a lot of shot in the rest of the rabbit.So give me the Ted Williams 20 ga. any day.

Right now the only shotgun I have is a fairly short 12 ga. double barrel.

The most unusual calibur I have ever fired was a Winchester 25/35..The bullets reallt whistle out of one of those.It was a antique one with the hex barrel.

I thought I would add this about dogs.I had a full Irish Setter several years ago.Full of energy & the friendliest dog you could want always seemed happy.The only drawback is she was not always the most intellegent dog a little scatterbrained.

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Labradors are not too bright either, but they are very good around children. She does the dumbest things. You give her water and she almost imediately dumps it out and wants to play with it. So she goes without water except 2 times a day. A gallon each time.

As to the shotgun, I bought it off a roofing customer several years ago. It is a fully adjustable choke. Still keep it in the original cover.

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tommie ; the only labs I've been around much were only part lab.Both looked mostly lab though.One was my mothers dog Tobe I guess he was pretty smart because until his partner dog (an English Setter )died  we didn't realize he was deaf.He had used her for his ears for who knows how longThe other was a friends dog he was a pretty feirce dog that liked to fight other dogs & wasn't to safe around people he didn't know.I remember one funny thing about him he cleared a room of 30 people that wher partying at my friens .When he let go a silent but deadly fart.

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Guest philp

what do you guys mean when you say 'gets the job done' - i dont see any jobs that a firearm could possibly do in everyday life of an individual

Right now I only have a Ruger P95 with two 15 round magazines, so actually mine is the P95PR15. I found out after I bought the gun that some states limit the magazine capacity to 10 rounds.

How ridiculous!!!

Are they trying to put a restriction on the number of people who can be shot without reloading or the number of times one person can be shot? Does anybody know the answer to that one?

As for "getting the job done", my Ruger puts nices holes in the paper targets I shoot.  ;)

Not sure what those other guys are talking about.  :haha:

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