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Yes I know a the regulars it seems like there are only like 20 or less lets see me you vanburen cableguy microwave and wmmc and others not sure there names but it sucks that more don't post more!!!! I have been around for about awhile. Witch some of you know.

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:) Yeah it is kinda sad but, I used this site and read post for at least 6months before I ever posted or signed. I guess it is necessary to get people to register so you can see the number of people using the site. I have looked at those stats b4 and many others and have always been surprised by what I see. Its like now since the timer on how many hours we have been on line.....I have the most hours but not the most post, I guess I spend more time reading than writing.... LOL :)

8) Microwave

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wow, microwave, 6 months? :lol: jeez never took u to be a shy one ;) meh, cant force 'em to post, u can ask them to join but cant force them to post...

:lol: Yep I just looked...of course the forum was much quiter back then ....but after the first post I havent shut up since. LOL ...... I just recently posted on  DSL reports to get an avatar, ya need 6 post I think and I have been reading there b4 I ever came here....my first post there was about this site a long time ago I posted a link and review to here.

8) Microwave

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Come on now!  I've been running around the web in my spare time drumming up business at ever chat and forum I can find.  The bigger we can make this place, the better off we'll be.  Given the "heads" here that are freely offering time and 2nd-to-none infomation, this site just can't be beat for those seeking assistance. 

I'd like to see some of the better posts moved into something like a self-help area, because the majority of visitors are shying away from getting directly involved.  This is due to the # of 'bad' websites that have taken their personal info and trashed them with it, so folks like us take the beatings for it.  Still ...it would be a another 'scheme' to get them coming ...word-of-mouth "rules", so once you get the people talking, the rest is gravy.  Making a self-help section out of the better posts would be easy!

For help with Home Networking (click here)

For help with Road Runner Tweaking (click here)

For help with Cablenut (call 1-800- Van-Buren)


We already have the resources, and the attitudes here are head and shoulders above competing websites due to the personalities ...we just need more folks and a unique tool(s) that favor the shy visitors.  Once you win their trust they'll start posing ...I MEAN POSTING!  :)  (Microwave is a prime example ....he even admits that he never shuts up)!  lol  (just teasing of course my friend)!

Make sense everyone?

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Well just so you all know. This site was recomended to me by my Dad. He is an Information tech guy. He said that this place always gave fair testing. So I thought that I would give it a try. Well after alot of time testing my connection I thought that it might be nice to try one of those tweaks. So now low and behold you are stuck with the Big W.

I have Never felt more accepted in a place like this though you guys acctualy care and that is cool :D

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