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Well,looks like the computer i built my cousin that came with a Crappy PSU{i warned him about it,but he just wanted me to build it for him}finally crapped out and now he's left without a computer.

I was thinking about picking him up an Antec 400watt PSU whenever they go back on sale,but i'm a little worried about the one i installed in my sister's computer after her PowerMax 200watt blew up{how it lasted as long as it did with 2 HD's,1 regular cd-rom and then a cd-burner i'll never know}

There is sometimes an issue with turning the computer on or off,plus it sounds like something is up with one of the fans inside the PSU but the sound is so quick to stop i can't place were the noise is{i did replace all the fans inside her computer}

Anyone have any other Suggestions?

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i was running amd athlon xp 1800, 2 hard drives, 40x cd burner,  cr rom drive with a pos compaq 200 watt psu.  Here is a good power per price ratio psu  Nothing fancy but gets the job done.  Prob more like 470 watt true power but you cant beat the price.  630 watt is prob overkill for that system but for the price you cant beat it.

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anything from antec is going to be good.. and if you have problems they will actually stand behind their product unlike everyone else in computer market..  I would have called antec about that noise.. they might have sent you a new PS..

As far as them going on sale... the upper end rarely goes on sale..  450watts should be more than enough for that system currently.. however, if you plan on running SLI or a PCI-e graphics card in there anytime soon.. might want to bump it to 500-550watts.

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Well,i must have hardware sense cause on tuesday she came home and went to turn on her computer and nothing..........not a click or beep and i smelled that Burnt Eletronic Smell out the back of the PS.

Opened up the case and just did a visual inspection.nothing on the motherboard is burnt,the smell is coming from the PS.The machine is being retired,it's an old Tangent ATX AMD setup { K-6 350MHz for christ sakes}.My dad found it in the garbage not even formatted with the person's personal data and all on it in the beginning and then i just stripped it and used leftover parts i had in the house to bring it up to speed. i dubbed it "The Franken-Box"

yesterday,we went out and got her an Acer T-160 Tower.For $369 bucks it's a good deal.

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ordered that on 7/18/2006 6:25:18 PM and will get it tomorrow, and will say how good it is when im done installing it :)

07/20/2006 17:54:00  UNLOAD SCAN  INDIANAPOLIS, IN, US ( :) wish they could of hurried and brought it but meh)

since lately all i post is that exact power supply

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i do not trust any benchmark before the processor is released - as far as im concerned, that is all done in specific top of the line equipment / controlled environment - untill i see user reviews and what people actually think of them, i wont be amazed at all :)

who knows, this hype can all be a plan to get more people to go intel instead of amd - the quality of the processor may not have anything to do with it  :-|

....and also - i have only seen 2 reviews for the conroe chip - that is still just ONE processor - and as far as im concerned, the both reviewers might have used the same exact cpu ( :?: ) which would prove little

long story - short....untill i see some reviews done when the processor actually is released, i wont be excited....heh

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got the powersupply ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817103931 )

it was cake install, everything went perfect (man i hate the sata power cord, little room to do anything in ze dell case (sore back) lawl

very quiet as well

lots of cords but looks more organized than what the it looked like before

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