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A few weeks ago my abuelo(grandpa; we actually we call him "lolo" for short)  turned 85 years old and just now it hit me, wow 85 years old and he still can drive, works out in the yard all the time, just finished fixing his sun deck,  has not health elments what so ever(and eats watever he wants), can walk on his own,  ww2 veteran and has a huge family that loves him: 8 kids, 35 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and he and his wife just celebrated there 60th anniversary.

Im not posting this to glorify his life or anything but i just finished reading the "make a wish" thread and i felt compelled to post this.

mods can move this to off topic if neccessary

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A few weeks ago my abuelo(grandpa; we actually we call him "lolo" for short)  turned 85 years old and just now it hit me, wow 85 years old and he still can drive, works out in the yard all the time, just finished fixing his sun deck,  has not health elments what so ever(and eats watever he wants), can walk on his own,  ww2 veteran and has a huge family that loves him: 8 kids, 35 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and he and his wife just celebrated there 60th anniversary.

Im not posting this to glorify his life or anything but i just finished reading the "make a wish" thread and i felt compelled to post this.

mods can move this to off topic if neccessary

here's to lolo :occasion14: you just given me hope  :lol:

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Although my granddad passed in 1990 at age 92.He had reasonably good health right up till the end.He was out spading up the soil for his garden 2 weeks before.He still drove on a limited basis his eyesight was the best but my grandmother was a good copilot for him.

I have an interesting story: I drove him to Walmart to do some shopping .When he was checking out he wrote a check & the checker asked him for his drivers liscense.She loked at it funny & said the date of birth is wrong it's not even 1998 yet & this drivers liscense says you were born in 98.the Texas liscense doesn't put the first 2 digits on the year .I had fun explaining that it was correct & he was born in 1898.Grandad could have explained himself but he was a little hard of hearing.

I sometimes think of the changes he saw between 1898 & 1990.He was actually brought to the Texas Panhandle in a covered wagon at age 3.

amc11890; Glad to hear your granddad is doing well.Enjoy him while you can.Time passes faster than you think.

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:)  Posts like this make me smile.

My wife's grandfather is now 99(with an Ipod, and email). He sold his car dealerships 10 years ago on the condition that he could still work there!  He finally retired three years ago because he needed a knee replacement and felt someoneelse needed the job.  He has prostate cancer but wont seek any treatment as "... I need to die anyway"  That was 2 years ago ! 

My grandmother lived to be 101 (she was borm in 1880) and still lived alone in a huge farmhouse. We finally found out she was blind when she was 95.  She had tied stips of cloth on the bannister to tell her where the steps were.

To hear them talk about their life was/is amazing!  I have many videos of conversations with them describing their travels and the events of life through the century.

When you realize these people lived through 2 World Wars, a Depression, inventions from automobiles, radio, air conditioning, central heat, talking movies, television, air travel, space travel, remote controls - it really puts your life in perspective.

Our 9 year old watched some of these videos just the other day and was amazed that here was a time without radio or TV!  It had her worried that she is spoiled (based on all her great grand-parents didnt have) and needed to appreciate things more! 

Those of you with seniors or grand seniors - take some time to know their life and ask about major world events - you'll be surprised at their take on things :)  Life isnt as complicated as it seems.

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