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I have tried to talk to support from Insight and they are telling me that speed is up to 4Mb, and they refuse to do anymore on it. Now heres my problem im barly at the 1Mb mark most of the time. Im also interested in being a Plus customer and i can even get half of whats advertised. They are telling me its all my problem or they say its only up to 4Mb.

They have tried things like saying its a virus or spyware. I have cleanly formatted my system with only xp and sp2, with the firewall off. I will run the tests and i get the same response. Ive done things like download large files and i seem to stay in the 70Kb/sec zone which the tests seem to employ about the same speed Im currently building a case of information so i can give the local office the information. Heres what I have tweaking and modem and things so far. They have been out to redo the lines. Ive had my modem exchanged. Ive had my modem plugged in USB, all with same results.

Here is my Tweak Settings Via B.B.R. http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:1bdb40f?service=cable&speed=4000&os=winXP&via=enternet

Here is

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  • 2 weeks later...

I work for charter comm. in OR  In our cable system the ideal signal level is between 2 and 6 db also the power level is ideal around 42 dbmv.  the higher your incoming signal the lower your power level will be.also most cable modems will go offline when the power level goes below 30dbmv or above 60dbmv. If you can get ahold of a quality 2 way splitter you will drop your signal by 3.5db and increase your power level.dont use a 3way or larger splitter they will decrease your signal by7db or more.    hope that helps

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You could maybe replace the 2way for a 3way then becuase your signal at your modem is still a bit high according to what you posted. if you look on the face of the splitter it will tell you the loss . a 2way is 3.5,a 3 way is 3.5 on one leg and 7 on the other 2 legs,a4 way is 7 on all ports. 

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Hey matt_31  :D

I work for Comcast in St. Paul, MN.  The ideal level for our modems is around 0dBmV, but they work great anywhere from 0 to -10.  Levels like yours can cause very slow speeds on our modems.  My level is -3, and before tweaking, I tried a 6dB pad to see if that was the problem, but no go.  You might try a 3-way splitter as cableguy said, or get ahold of a couple different pads, and try those out.  If that doesn't work, I'm sure VanBuren can help you out with tweaking.  Good luck! ;)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

I have Insight in Northern Kentucky and have a 4000/384 and using a WebSTAR DPC2100r2

Receive Power Level

  -9.3 dBmV

Transmit Power Level

  34.5 dBmV

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 4553 Kbps about 4.55 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 556 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 367 Kbps about 0.37 Mbps (tested with 748 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 45 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/06/21 - 7:27pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6J14F7YZU

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NOHZBRMUX

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Maxthon; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) [!]

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  • 8 months later...

I Work in a Comcast call center, specifically in internet tech support.  I also subscribe to comcast and have a Webstar (Scientific Atlanta) modem.  All cable modems have a boot file in them.  The boot file actualy controls what kind of speeds you can recieve ('capped speed')  The theroretical speed capacity of MOST cable modems is virtually unlimeted, EXCEPT for restrictions in network technology speeds. The cable modem is capable of transmitting at the full capacity of you network.  The boot file is pushed to your cable modem by your cable company at the time of its registration.  This boot file is what tells your modem how fast it is allowed to go.  It is possible that you account could have the wrong bootfile on it, however it is most comonly checked when you call for help, also if the system detects that you have the wrong bootfile, it can automaticaly push the correct file to you, so don't bother trying to overide it  :police:One common problem that I find when signal levels are good, and there is no router in place (come on people lets admit it routers are falable, and as well some times do you bad or corrupt you network traffic, as the same goes for cable modems) is that there can be a problem in the way your requests are being routed through the server. This is a problem that will have to be handled by your internet provider, to check if that is what is happening it is fairly simply,

In windows XP, go to the command prompt, by 1st clicking on start, and going to run, in the run box, type    cmd      and press OK

In the command prompt ping a couple of internet sites by typing ping nameofsite.com,  ie...      ping www.google.com          In the results you will see the actual IP address of the website you are pinging.  Ping a few different sites and get a few good IP addresses

Next type tracert  and an IP address  ie....    tracert      try it a few times to a few different IP addresses.  If the connection continually times out on the first few hops, then there is a problem with the way that server is routing your connection.

If it just so happens that your cable provider is the innocent person in your problems, and you cant figure out anything else to do, try this at your own caution, as it can affect the way some programs run, especially firewall software.

In the command prompt (XP) type the following commands-

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

netsh winsock reset     (it will tell you to restart your system, but waite.....)

ipconfig /flushdns          (now just restart your system)

Entering these settings resets the bulk of the ways your computer handles connections.  The first command resets your TCP/IP stack to defaults.  The second set reset the winsock, and the final step flushes the dns  (hint- a lot of times if you can ping IP addresses (external ones) but cannot ping a website by name, and the firewalls are off, often flushing the dns will completely fix this problem).  When your system restarts it will automatically renew its IP address and re register the dns.  you should see an improvement..... 

This is basically an "if all else fails" tactic. :uglystupid2:

I also highly recommend free online scans from antivirus.com  hey its free, live, and does spywaremalware, and viruses [nerd]

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