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Thanks guys, Yes im really happy with cox....Very little troubles from them, cept other night email was out for a bit, but no biggie. There coming out wit ha faster speed soon, though it costs i think around 70 or so...im happy with what i have now, so ill pass on that......

Cable, any new info on that faster speed, or is just here in AZ???

Thanks guys,

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Thanks guys, Yes im really happy with Cox....Very little troubles from them, cept other night email was out for a bit, but no biggie. There coming out wit ha faster speed soon, though it costs i think around 70 or so...im happy with what i have now, so ill pass on that......

Cable, any new info on that faster speed, or is just here in AZ???

Thanks guys,

Well, we already do have 4000/384 ~ but it is 89.95 :( ~~ but if you want it I can upgrade you... PM me with your phone number and I will call you.

I want someone to post a score here that has that speed!! I am not getting it untill they roll it into my employee plan.. I pay nothing now... but to upgrade to that they want full price! HHAHHA



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there is me ;-)

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:) ::: Download Stats :::

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8) microwave :huh:

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