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Yeah Lance .....we need to find something for you to do.  hehehe...HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!  Didn't cruise them all, I am in the middle of getting the new server for this joint off the ground, should be up and running somewhere betweeen 11 and noonEST (USA).  The company is EV1 out of Houston.  I am getting a Load Balanced Server fired up here and it's just a bit out of my league, but it's coming along quite nicely considering. One thing for sure, she is FAST FAST FAST!!!!  (Has Four P4's in her, so she'd BETTER be fast)!  :)

;)  The Reverend

  Dam I didn't know it was that fast that must be like 200 or more dollars!! A month and load balanced dam they are very expensive!!! I saw the deal on there site for 2 load balanced servers for 218  a month not bad!!! But probably not 4 P4 dam those server a re expensive even to make the motherboard alone it like 700 dollars or more!!!

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