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CPU: PENTIUM 3E 550MHz ALIAS- Coppermine

MOTHERBOARD: ASUS P3B-F, Jumper Free, Front Side Bus Properties- BUS TYPE (Intel GTL+), BUS WIDTH ( 64 BIT), REAL CLOCK (100MHz), EFFECTIVE CLOCK (100MHz), Memory Bus Properties- SDR SDRAM, BUS WIDTH (64 BIT), Clocks are same as FSB, Bandwidth (800MB/sec), CHIPSET i440BX.

MEMORY: ELPIDA 128 MB, UNBUFFERED, SDRAM, PC 100, Timing (3,2,2,10)


TEMPS under Load: CPU: 37 Deg C, MOBO: 23 Deg C

I would like to Overclock it a little, and add some memory, any ideas on memory. And what do you think about Overclocking it ?

Any help would be appreciated

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Uhm, maybe pop in a better heatsink and fan, a few case fans, and boost some of the speeds. I don't personally know a lot about the coppermine, but watch the voltages and the temps, and also be sure that your ram can handle increased clock speeds (Last I checked intel locked the multipliers and only allowed the FSB to be modded). If it's an OEM compy, majority of the times they don't let you oc it.

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Thanks for the help guys, I'm just wanna take the fsb up a little bit and see if it makes much of a difference. I will keep a close eye on temps and if it starts running warm and stressing the CPU i will back it off. Pretty much i am just curious :)

Mort your right they did lock the multipliers, I will have to play with the fsb. Right now for some reason I can't access the CPU speed selection in Bios. I think maybe whoever installed this Mobo disabled the jumper free mode. I will have to open the case up and see if the little switch is the right way for jumper free.

My comp runs at CPU: 39-40 Deg C underload so maybe if I just take the FSB up a bit I might be OK without xtra fans. What do you guys think :?:

Thanks again for the help :D

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Ahaha, Micro and I posted at the same time! Hmm, you may not want to push it too far cuz PC100 ram uses a VERY slow speed, so even a few fsb notches may cause serious problems. Try firstly to tighten up the ram timings, then turn up the fsb. The increase of ram timings typically has a larger impact on the speeds than increasing the ram by 2 fsb OC. I personally don't know the manufacturer so I'm gonna guess it's generic ram, in which case overvolting it may cause SERIOUS problems (Generic = CRAP). So just be careful and try increasing the ram timings before the FSB. Then if it's stable with tighter timings, then work on the fsb a bit.

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Ahaha, Micro and I posted at the same time! Hmm, you may not want to push it too far cuz PC100 ram uses a VERY slow speed, so even a few fsb notches may cause serious problems. Try firstly to tighten up the ram timings, then turn up the fsb. The increase of ram timings typically has a larger impact on the speeds than increasing the ram by 2 fsb OC. I personally don't know the manufacturer so I'm gonna guess it's generic ram, in which case overvolting it may cause SERIOUS problems (Generic = CRAP). So just be careful and try increasing the ram timings before the FSB. Then if it's stable with tighter timings, then work on the fsb a bit.

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Ahaha, Micro and I posted at the same time! Hmm, you may not want to push it too far cuz PC100 ram uses a VERY slow speed, so even a few fsb notches may cause serious problems. Try firstly to tighten up the ram timings, then turn up the fsb. The increase of ram timings typically has a larger impact on the speeds than increasing the ram by 2 fsb OC. I personally don't know the manufacturer so I'm gonna guess it's generic ram, in which case overvolting it may cause SERIOUS problems (Generic = CRAP). So just be careful and try increasing the ram timings before the FSB. Then if it's stable with tighter timings, then work on the fsb a bit.

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Ahaha, Micro and I posted at the same time! Hmm, you may not want to push it too far cuz PC100 ram uses a VERY slow speed, so even a few fsb notches may cause serious problems. Try firstly to tighten up the ram timings, then turn up the fsb. The increase of ram timings typically has a larger impact on the speeds than increasing the ram by 2 fsb OC. I personally don't know the manufacturer so I'm gonna guess it's generic ram, in which case overvolting it may cause SERIOUS problems (Generic = CRAP). So just be careful and try increasing the ram timings before the FSB. Then if it's stable with tighter timings, then work on the fsb a bit.

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Ahaha, Micro and I posted at the same time! Hmm, you may not want to push it too far cuz PC100 ram uses a VERY slow speed, so even a few fsb notches may cause serious problems. Try firstly to tighten up the ram timings, then turn up the fsb. The increase of ram timings typically has a larger impact on the speeds than increasing the ram by 2 fsb OC. I personally don't know the manufacturer so I'm gonna guess it's generic ram, in which case overvolting it may cause SERIOUS problems (Generic = CRAP). So just be careful and try increasing the ram timings before the FSB. Then if it's stable with tighter timings, then work on the fsb a bit.

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I have got a selection of ram in this thing right now, the RAM that came with it is Elpida 128MB, PC100, CAS:3,2,2,10. I went and got a couple more sticks today of Transcend, 128MB, PC133, same CAS. So mort when you mean tighten up the timings do you mean take the CAS down like 2.5,1.5,1.5,9 from 3,2,2,10. ?

Oh the 2 sticks of RAM I picked up today made no difference in anything any idea what might be wrong :?:

Thanks for the help :)


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I have got a selection of ram in this thing right now, the RAM that came with it is Elpida 128MB, PC100, CAS:3,2,2,10. I went and got a couple more sticks today of Transcend, 128MB, PC133, same CAS. So mort when you mean tighten up the timings do you mean take the CAS down like 2.5,1.5,1.5,9 from 3,2,2,10. ?

Oh the 2 sticks of RAM I picked up today made no difference in anything any idea what might be wrong :?:

Thanks for the help :)


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I have got a selection of ram in this thing right now, the RAM that came with it is Elpida 128MB, PC100, CAS:3,2,2,10. I went and got a couple more sticks today of Transcend, 128MB, PC133, same CAS. So mort when you mean tighten up the timings do you mean take the CAS down like 2.5,1.5,1.5,9 from 3,2,2,10. ?

Oh the 2 sticks of RAM I picked up today made no difference in anything any idea what might be wrong :?:

Thanks for the help :)


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I have got a selection of ram in this thing right now, the RAM that came with it is Elpida 128MB, PC100, CAS:3,2,2,10. I went and got a couple more sticks today of Transcend, 128MB, PC133, same CAS. So mort when you mean tighten up the timings do you mean take the CAS down like 2.5,1.5,1.5,9 from 3,2,2,10. ?

Oh the 2 sticks of RAM I picked up today made no difference in anything any idea what might be wrong :?:

Thanks for the help :)


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I have got a selection of ram in this thing right now, the RAM that came with it is Elpida 128MB, PC100, CAS:3,2,2,10. I went and got a couple more sticks today of Transcend, 128MB, PC133, same CAS. So mort when you mean tighten up the timings do you mean take the CAS down like 2.5,1.5,1.5,9 from 3,2,2,10. ?

Oh the 2 sticks of RAM I picked up today made no difference in anything any idea what might be wrong :?:

Thanks for the help :)


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Well the PC133 ram isnt DDR and it's running at a rather slow fsb. What I mean by tightening the timings is by setting the timings to something like this: CAS: 2,2,2,6. But try changing one setting at a time and go in only 1 increment at a time. Try 2.5 first then 6. Personally, my ram timings are at 11,2,2,2 due to nForce2 chipsets having much higher bandwidth from an 11 timing. But for everything else, go for 2.5,2,2,6-8. One question: Does P3 Have hyperthreading or not, and what is the FSB for the p3, 100mhz or higher?

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Well the PC133 ram isnt DDR and it's running at a rather slow fsb. What I mean by tightening the timings is by setting the timings to something like this: CAS: 2,2,2,6. But try changing one setting at a time and go in only 1 increment at a time. Try 2.5 first then 6. Personally, my ram timings are at 11,2,2,2 due to nForce2 chipsets having much higher bandwidth from an 11 timing. But for everything else, go for 2.5,2,2,6-8. One question: Does P3 Have hyperthreading or not, and what is the FSB for the p3, 100mhz or higher?

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Well the PC133 ram isnt DDR and it's running at a rather slow fsb. What I mean by tightening the timings is by setting the timings to something like this: CAS: 2,2,2,6. But try changing one setting at a time and go in only 1 increment at a time. Try 2.5 first then 6. Personally, my ram timings are at 11,2,2,2 due to nForce2 chipsets having much higher bandwidth from an 11 timing. But for everything else, go for 2.5,2,2,6-8. One question: Does P3 Have hyperthreading or not, and what is the FSB for the p3, 100mhz or higher?

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Well the PC133 ram isnt DDR and it's running at a rather slow fsb. What I mean by tightening the timings is by setting the timings to something like this: CAS: 2,2,2,6. But try changing one setting at a time and go in only 1 increment at a time. Try 2.5 first then 6. Personally, my ram timings are at 11,2,2,2 due to nForce2 chipsets having much higher bandwidth from an 11 timing. But for everything else, go for 2.5,2,2,6-8. One question: Does P3 Have hyperthreading or not, and what is the FSB for the p3, 100mhz or higher?

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Well the PC133 ram isnt DDR and it's running at a rather slow fsb. What I mean by tightening the timings is by setting the timings to something like this: CAS: 2,2,2,6. But try changing one setting at a time and go in only 1 increment at a time. Try 2.5 first then 6. Personally, my ram timings are at 11,2,2,2 due to nForce2 chipsets having much higher bandwidth from an 11 timing. But for everything else, go for 2.5,2,2,6-8. One question: Does P3 Have hyperthreading or not, and what is the FSB for the p3, 100mhz or higher?

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