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I can Make sense of most of this exept the modem statistics. Would someone please explain up stream attenuation

and down stream attenuation?

This is A Speakeasy line 6.0/768 with a broadxent 8012-V, i'm A little under 6900 Ft from CO. 

[Modem Status]

Line Status = Connected

Current DSL Mode = g.dmt

DSL Channel = Fast

Down Stream Bit Rate = 6016000

Up Stream Bit Rate = 768000

Modem Up Time = 0 day 4 hours 8 minutes 49 seconds

[Modem Configurations]

Vpi = 0

Vci = 35

System Mode = Rfc1483 Bridged

Selected DSL Mode = multi

[Modem Statistics]

SNR = 7

Down Stream Attenuation = 45

Up Stream Attenuation = 25

Down Stream Output Power = 19

Up Stream Output Power = 11

CRC Error = 8

HEC Error = 4

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  • 4 years later...

hello guys i havent posted for a while, but definitely i check on this site frequently.. i've been experiencing frequent disconnection over the past few weeks now.. when i say frequent its like every 10 minutes.. and it's really affecting my work.. can someone tell me the possible problem? i have some screenshots here and would appreciate if anyone can do an analysis...



by the way im using a PROLINK Hurricane 9300G ADSL modem with wifi router and built in firewall... thanks

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My line stats  about 3.1 Km from the exchange ,

I sync at around 5,800 Kbps daytime but at night it drops to around 5,000 at night due to noise on ther line , (street lighting etc ), this lowers my SNR down from 10.5 to 7 , this increases

errors below SNR of 9 , a resync of the router cures this ,

DSL Connection 

Link Information


Uptime: 0 days, 0:28:07

Modulation: G.992.1 Annex A

Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 448 / 5,888

Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [KB/MB]: 897.00 / 9.21

Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 11.5 / 19.5

Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 25.0 / 47.0

SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 17.0 / 10.5

Vendor ID (Local/Remote): TMMB / GSPN

Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 0 / 0

Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 0 / 0

Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / 0

Loss of Link (Remote): 0

Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 1 / 0

FEC Errors (Up/Down): 12 / 210

CRC Errors (Up/Down): 8 / 10

HEC Errors (Up/Down): 2 / 1


Line attenuation is in relation to the "loop loss" on your line. The lower this figure the better, and the better chance you have of getting the faster speeds.

SNR is Signal to Noise Ratio - in other words a measurement in decibels of the Signal strength to the level of Noise on the line.

The higher your SNR is, the better, as there is less background Noise.


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thats what i  have read as well..

so basically the tech support went over my place just this afternoon, and did not found any fault over my line in my place, it could be on the switch it self...

i've been reading a lot about this stuff. and basically everything points to the SNR that I have.. upon looking at the figures above, i have  a fairly good downstream snr but its the opposite with the UPLOAD SNR... the tech said it shouldnt go below 6db.. :(

i'll call them again..

and thanks roco for welcoming me back..

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