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so okay...today i went and installed windows xp pro on a virtual machine (microsoft virtual pc 2004) - it has no service pack yet, just a base install of windows....

here is an interesting thing....i did some tests, and according to testmy.net, the virtualpc setup actually is faster (bandwidth wise) than my actual setup...about .5mb faster.....wowzers....

and also, every website I have pinged so far, much faster as well....literally twice as fast for the response....

why would this happen ?

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thats really odd.

your regual xp install must not be tweaked right, or you have somthing running that is slowing it down.

Question,  Virtual PC is like VMWare right?

So wouldn't he technically be running it off of the same machine?  I still think it's something with the virtualization.  If it really is faster though, that's pretty cool.

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yes, it is the same machine - it is pretty much like vmware - and im totally amazed by this....

i keep my regular (real) install of win xp clear of any spyware...i defregment it regularly and i have not used any kinds of tweaks on my internet connection....wierdness

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