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ok good thing we clarified the torrent thing

torrents even thought ppl claim are really fast i have found them to b the slowest way to transfer information

here u ares


there u can dl a lot of movies usually really fast and it has a built in player so u can watch or lisent to whatever u just downloaded

hi melynnie2002

just like roco i am kind of late, i am just as far as roco

i think i would row faster then roco since he said he is kind of an old folk but i don't know really, just speculation

anyway down to what u want to know

those 15 files u talking about are RAR for sure, not iso not bin files they are called rar files.

1. What is a RAR file?

RAR is the native format of WinRAR archiver. Like other archives, RAR files are data containers, they store one or several files in the compressed form. After you downloaded RAR file from Internet, you need to unpack its contents in order to use it.

so basically you have downloaded a big file that has been split in small files

for you to get that file out, you need to unpack it, or unrar it

you can download the trial version from here

http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm - choose the 1st option ( WinRAR 3.61  Graphic and command line  Trial)

once you done this, u will see that all those 15 files have changed to icons of a stacked books

this means it is ready to open, right click in ONE of the files and select extract

look at my picture attached in the bottom of the message

select the location of where u want the files extracted TO and hit goooo

see it working and then boom the file should be where u told it to go

so this should give u some answer about you question about the 15 files

anything else

give us a shout, always like to help

also (to add to the Rar crazyness) if they are .01 .02 etc files and one .rar file, it's just a multipart RAR and you can unzip all of them into one file by right clicking the .rar and selecting extract.. it'll go looking for those other files to recreate the whole original file.. (probably a movie etc)


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