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I basically have a computer built. It's been this way for a while, as I have been saving money for other things. I see that 939 is getting phased out now and I heard that the 4800+. the CPU I was planning on buying, is discontinued. I'm just wondering what the best 939 processor I can get right now is, preferably under 400 bucks. I'm gonna just be gaming and maybe some mild overclocking. Thanks a lot. I don't want to buy a whole new mobo and RAM right now because I just don't feel like blowing the money. Eventually I'll get a new mobo with a 4x4 or something but I just want to run this for now.

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http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1446929&CatId=1948 AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Manchester 2.4GHz Socket 939 Processor Model ADA4600BVBOX - Retail ---- eh, a few dollars cheaper http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103545

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103558 << pretty nice, i've got a FX-54.. awesome for gaming.. look at the specs below.. *the link*

im sure someone else will kill my ideas..

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Yeah, I definitely want a dual core. Are those Opterons any good? I remember reading some things about guys getting crazy results out of them with OCing, but I've been out of the computer scene for a few months.

opterons are pretty good, for gaming i would go with a 64 x2 over a opteron tho

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I have a 4400+ in my computer now with 1mb L2 cache work great. It overclock to 2716 mhz with a voltage of 1.45 on the stock heatsink. Temp while gaming get up to 50c,most of the time the temps are around 40c. It cost 216.00 OEM or 249.00 Retail at Newegg.com.

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I have a 4400+ in my computer now with 1mb L2 cache work great. It overclock to 2716 mhz with a voltage of 1.45 on the stock heatsink. Temp while gaming get up to 50c,most of the time the temps are around 40c. It cost 216.00 OEM or 249.00 Retail at Newegg.com.

nice cpu.. i have a fx 53 and an amd 64 3200

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Not to get into all the detail, but opteron processors indeed are different than the rest....not only opteron processors, but server processors overall... - if there was no overall difference/benefit, the price difference would not be so great

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by that time the quad core will be the thing to get.

Really more true than you think. But if you wait long enough for the very best, it will never get here. Because as soon as you think this again, you will be waiting on the next upgrade.  :lost:

Sometimes you just have  to decide what you want and go for it.  :thumbsup:

Quad will be surpassed also.  :wink2:

Whatever you buy wll be good for about 6 months.  :evil6:

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Quad will be surpassed also.  :wink2:

Whatever you buy wll be good for about 6 months.  :evil6:

quad will be with us till the end of the year, then intel will release there 6 core processor. they cant get too far ahead gotta keep amd just close enough.

its not really 6months anymore, its more like 3 months now.

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Not to get into all the detail, but opteron processors indeed are different than the rest....not only opteron processors, but server processors overall... - if there was no overall difference/benefit, the price difference would not be so great

The opteron chips are often based on the same cores as the Athlon 64 counterparts (venice, For example) but are typically codenamed differently and/or binned much higher. The binning means that you could get a very similar core in a Opteron 144 and an FX-55 (as was the case for quite some time, and why I'm running a 144 @ FX-55 speeds). The Opteron 144 was much less expensive compared to the FX-55 at the time. The current lineup of opterons vs A64 is pretty good, the Opterons will usually provide better stability/overclockability and and take more extreme conditions (heat).

Just a tidbit.


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