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I was browsing the Hughesnet site today and came across their latest promotion- Seems now when you sign up for service it comes with the install and equipment for FREE! I paid 600 bux for this hunk of crap with flashing blue lights that has been nothing but a major source of frustration and dismay for 17 months. Being as I live in the boonies and work from home, I have to have it. Now they are giving away the junk, but want 50 bux and another 15 month commitment from its loyal customers to upgrade. This really chaps my hide, I can really use the increase in up load, but refuse to commit to their product for another 15 months.

Now everytime it just barely sprinkles out I lose internet connection all together - call customer support and they give me the same ole - well if its cloudy out you may lose connectivity. If its raining at the NOC you may lose connectivity... if the cows pass too much methane when they break wind, you may lose connectivity... what ever happened to ALWAYS ON!?!?!? So I am gonna have to pay somebody to come out here and re-point my dish, since I never get higher then 50 signal strength anymore even with no weather. Maybe it would be cheaper just to switch to wildblue...bah!!!!!!!!!!


Your connection is: 682 Kbps or 0.7 Mbps

You downloaded at: 83 kB/s

You are running: 12 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 12.34 second(s)

Member Ident:Username:vanschlack CompID:612854415

Test Time:: 2006/11/14 - 1:12pm

Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

Test ID: I8VX2ZAWQ (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: May need help : running at only 63.98 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

This was tested from a 748 kB file and took 8.984 seconds to complete

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Are you on a DW6000?

Trust me, it aint free.  You just pay 40 bucks extra a month for 15 months to pay it off.  Sounds to me that your dish has moved.  Is it on a poll mount, or on the roof?  What satellite and transponder are you on?  You can find this information on

Calling support will do you no good.  It's best to get support here, or at http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat.  Just don't go there ranting or you will not get help.

I would check your local installer and see how much they charge to reallign the dish, it might not cost much. 

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yeah I did the +40 deal, only way I could swing it

heres my info:  dw 6000 and its roof mounted, signal strength is an anomaly at 60, but drops to below 50 even with a little cloud cover. The local guy out here is kinda a jerk  and there is only one. I tried to have him come out, gave me a day 3 weeks out then never showed. I have a call in with another guy, from about an hour away, so we'll see. How hard does it have to rain for you to lose connection? Seems it was much better last winter about that. I would try and point it myself, but being an amputee, the roof is off limits. Maybe I should think about a pole.  What signal range should I be looking for to prevent it from going out in the slightest bad weather? Also they tried to get me to upgrade to the bigger dish, would this really help?  Thanks for  your input.and sorry bout the flaming post- just had to vent  little 


Adapter Main Statistics:


Signal Strength.............. 60          Stream Msg-Ackd/Nakd........ 40300/2491

Flags............... 0x00000020        NonStream Msg-Ackd/Nakd..... 1053/523

UpTime (d:h:m:s).. 000:19:05:30    Aloha Starts................ 1192

The Sequencer Timeout........ 0      Ranging Starts.............. 0

Transport Alarm Bit.......... 8          Frames Received............. 2376897

Addresses Open............... 7        Frame Errors: CRC/Bad Key... 2813/0

Carrier Info........ 083:W:1390        Miscellaneous Problems...... 3

Rate Code.................... 10          No Receive Outroute Lock.... 101673

Inroute Group................ 117        No FLL Lock................. 15856

Inroute...................... 5                No Network Timing Sync...... 165015

IQoS ID...................... 0

Ranging Reason: Ranging Done

Inroute Group Selection: Ranged at inroute rate selected by IQoS

Receive Status:  Receiver operational.  (RxCode 5)

Transmit Status: Transmitter ready. (TxCode 8)

from the hughesnet site



As low as



High-speed Internet access

Max download

speeds Max upload


700 Kbps* 128 Kbps*

Key features:

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Hughes seems to not practice the word "free"....although at times customer service may act as if you have a free account.Current pricing

My signal does not drop out until around 30? so regardless of my normal 80 or a 45 speed is still the same for me? might also be possible your site is located on a fringe area of coverage.  :undecided:

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Yeah it's as low as 59.99/mnth after 15 months lol.  

The minimum signal is 39 I believe.  You might also have a problem with water getting in your feedhorn.  That is a manufacturing defect.  I had that problem, so I just cut a very small slit in at the bottom to drain it.

Your sat is 83W (aka AMC9) on transponder 1390.  That is a good transponder.  Make sure that when you run the tests here, that you use the largest (2992kB) test for downloads, and the 579kB test for the uploads.

As far as your issues are concerned, it looks like your best bet is to get an installer out for a quick reallign.  I'm on 83W 1290, my signal stays around 89, but it really depends on where you are on the map.  When I was on 1390, my signal stayed around 74.  I'm in eastern NC.  What was the signal when you first had it installed?  

The most important thing to remember is, signal does not equal speed.  It's a digital signal, like a cell phone.  You can still talk with 1 bar just as clear as with 4, you just might drop the call more often.

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Thanks good to know im on a decent bird at least. My signal strength has never been higher then 63... the installer told me that would be fine, and not having had internet prior (phone lines here are too old to get anything higher then 21k dialup and there is no local number for isp) I didnt do enough research prior to getting Dway. So seems like I got screwed by the installer on that deal. As far as my speed goes I can live with it, its just the intermittent service thats killing me now. Thanks for all your help... maybe I will just dig a hole and put a pole in the ground prior to having somebody out so I can make adjustments myself next time.

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Thanks  good to know im on a decent bird at least. My signal strength has never been higher then 63... the installer told me that would be fine, and not having had internet prior (phone lines here are too old to get anything higher then 21k dialup and there is no local number for isp) I didnt do enough research prior to getting Dway.  So seems like I got screwed by the installer on that deal. As far as my speed goes I can live with it, its just the intermittent service thats killing me now. Thanks for all your help... maybe I will just dig a hole and put a pole in the ground prior to having somebody out so I can make adjustments myself next time.

Welcome to the forum vanschlack  :wave::welcome:

When you set that pole, just use a chain link galvanized corner fence post [2 3/8 diamater]. It is the same size and will work well. Best wishes. 


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If i was you vanschlack, try and put your pole as close as possible to your reciver to shorten the cable, that will also help your speeds. A pole is the way to go! When i was on direcway I used a gas pipe. Just make shur you have 3 foot of pole in the ground and 5 foot above Good Luck!

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If you have a Home Depot near you can use the 2 " electrical conduit (threaded), 10 foot lengths are stock and about $40 in my neighborhood. Be sure to drill a couple of holes near the bottom and stick a bolt or rod through to keep the post from turning in the concrete. Brace the post so it remains perfectly plumb (all directions) till it sets up. Wait 24 hours before working on it. The bottom of the dish should be 5 feet from ground level or more.

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So after digging 2 holes (first one found my septic tank lol) my pole is set holes drilled through it wth bolts, 3 feet deep, 7 feet above ground and plumb. I am really leaning towards having a friend take the dish off the roof for me and putting it up myself. My latop is on a wireless router so I can use the dw 6000 signal strength meter no prob. I know a little about pointing a dish as I have done it with directv before. Do I have to worry about it being grounded? lol and any other tips or links would be greatly appreciated. I found the interface to tell me where to point the dish according to my zip code,  what else do I need to know?

Thanks again! you all rock!!


ps - Im not so pissed anymore

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I found the interface to tell me where to point the dish according to my zip code,  what else do I need to know?

You need to print out all your system info from and have on hand, the information should be saved in the modem, but just in case. You could just use antenna pointing, get the best signal but run the manual ACP when tuning that, just reboot when satisfied. Generally I cut very slim pieces of aluminum for pointers and tape them near the pointing marks for even finer reference moving extremely small increments to fine tune. Helps because you'll find just splitting the marks makes a difference. Myself, I had another dish and ODU to do the move with so I had the original still in place as backup.

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Grounding is your best friend always with satelite. You can never be grounded enough.

Yes, it can create problems if not done right or done at all. There is plenty information on grounding http://www.montanasatellite.com/downloads/index.htm.

Tommie, have you ever been grounded? :smiley:

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Well vanschlack, I wonder how your doing. Any other questions if you haven't already made the move? Just so you know I've been looking at some 3" and 2" pipe I have and decided to mate two shorter ones and do a pole mount also. Together I'll make a 11' length with a 3' piece of 2" at the top. Let's hear how your doing.

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Well vanschlack, I wonder how your doing. Any other questions if you haven't already made the move? Just so you know I've been looking at some 3" and 2" pipe I have and decided to mate two shorter ones and do a pole mount also. Together I'll make a 11' length with a 3' piece of 2" at the top. Let's hear how your doing.

well the cement is barely 24 hours old and by the time I got home today it was dark out... Im prolly looking at doing the move this weekend if the weather holds up... as soon as I make the switch I will post my results up here and let you all know how I did...again thanks for all the advice, and for getting me hooked on these boards lol... been doing alot of reading


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I was browsing the Hughesnet site today and came across their latest promotion- Seems now when you sign up for service it comes with the install and equipment for FREE! I paid 600 bux for this hunk of crap with flashing blue lights that has been nothing but a major source of frustration and dismay for 17 months. Being as I live in the boonies and work from home, I have to have it. Now they are giving away the junk, but want 50 bux and another 15 month commitment from its loyal customers to upgrade. This really chaps my hide, I can really use the increase in up load, but refuse to commit to their product for another 15 months.

Now everytime it just barely sprinkles out I lose internet connection all together - call customer support and they give me the same ole - well if its cloudy out you may lose connectivity. If its raining at the NOC you may lose connectivity... if the cows pass too much methane when they break wind, you may lose connectivity... what ever happened to ALWAYS ON!?!?!? So I am gonna have to pay somebody to come out here and re-point my dish, since I never get higher then 50 signal strength anymore even with no weather. Maybe it would be cheaper just to switch to wildblue...bah!!!!!!!!!!


Your connection is: 682 Kbps or 0.7 Mbps

You downloaded at: 83 kB/s

You are running: 12 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 12.34 second(s)

Member Ident:Username:vanschlack CompID:612854415

Test Time:: 2006/11/14 - 1:12pm

Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

Test ID: I8VX2ZAWQ (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: May need help : running at only 63.98 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com)

This was tested from a 748 kB file and took 8.984 seconds to complete

600 thats all?

I wish i had a scanner to show my invoice of a whopping $1,712.00 TOTAL

dated June 10 /04

My dish was installed on the roof as per my request and has not moved allthough I have gone up and tweaked it from a installed signal strength of 65 to solid 72. If the pole is embedded in the ground below the cement pour then it's grounded as well as you can ever get with any 4 ft ground rod.:) So simply drive the pole 6 to 8 Inches into the earth below the bottom of the hole. Keeping it perfectly Plumb!


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