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Hi guys . Im with xplornet and I would like to know how to raise my voip quality ... Im with primus ....What do you think ?

Welcome to the forum pepereman! :welcome::wave:

You are going to need a higher download and upload speed if you want to improve quality.

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Welcome to the forums.  It's always nice to have fresh blood around, so to speak.

To help figure out where the problem lies specifically, we'll need to know a little bit more about your problems with your VOIP carrier.  Are you experiencing a delay in hearing people, or do they notice a delay in hearing you?  Do you at times hear the sound break up like when someone is talking on a cell phone with a bad signal, or are you hearing distorted or garbled sound?

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Welcome to the forums.  It's always nice to have fresh blood around, so to speak.

To help figure out where the problem lies specifically, we'll need to know a little bit more about your problems with your VOIP carrier.  Are you experiencing a delay in hearing people, or do they notice a delay in hearing you?  Do you at times hear the sound break up like when someone is talking on a cell phone with a bad signal, or are you hearing distorted or garbled sound?

Hehe, you are fresh blood.

Pepereman, try this test http://myvoipspeed.visualware.com/

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I m already at 1.5 mb download and 300kb upload . I dont want topay more money . What i could do ?

Thanks everyone ........

hi Pepereman

go to http://myvoipspeed.visualware.com/

and post ur results here

please run this when u are the only one using the internet connection


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SInce it appears your ISP uses some DW modems, I would assume some info on the dway modems might help.

I started to post every thread but you can research which ever one's you want.


6 pages of discussions on VOIP, and some related to direcway, wild blue, and VOIP.

Page #1






Anyway you get the idea. Enjoy.  :grin2:

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