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Registry help??

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:) If you are running XP Home there is a file on the CD-ROM in the valueadded portion that has ntbackup that will copy your entire drive or portions if thats what you wish. It needs to be installed to your drive from the CD,If you have another O.S. tell us what kind and will see best way 4u, As netmasta said ya can export a the Reg but I dont have very good luck with that and it cant always reload everything because things are open, thats just my experience Im told others love it and have no problem... good luck .. :)

8) Microwave

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yeah, it's ok...I mean, I got paranoid (kinda) when I first time ever opened up my HP. It scared the shit out of me to see all those electronics in there! but eventually I got one of these safely installed with only unplugging the slave cable to my HDD once! that scared me when I turned it on and it claimed that there was on OS!!!

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Guest helloimtim

With all due respect its not fear. Its not wanting to reload xp cause im lazy  :D. This is just my first of many things I want to learn about the registry end of xp. They always say back up and save registry settings. Just trying to find the best way to do that before I start changing the registry settings. If that makes sense ?? Gives me more knowlege in general. I wont edit the registry until I know how forsure best to cover my butt and back up the orginal setting. Then be able to restore that orginal setting......Thank you guys for your help. Its always apreciated......peace......im out

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:) If you are running XP Home there is a file on the CD-ROM in the valueadded portion that has ntbackup that will copy your entire drive or portions if thats what you wish. It needs to be installed to your drive from the CD,If you have another O.S. tell us what kind and will see best way 4u, As netmasta said ya can export a the Reg but I dont have very good luck with that and it cant always reload everything because things are open, thats just my experience Im told others love it and have no problem... good luck .. :)

8) Microwave

good tip MICROWAVE :) I tryed that out, another tip is to disable all antivirus programs and unplug your connection to internet, before you start it up, i got error messages saying i didnt have access to certain files and that can only be antivirus stuff, or virus ...  :lol:

im running Norton Internet security 2005

VanBuren :)

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I will give you the simple way to backup the registry for a windows 98 se.I don't know how close this is to XP.Go to your DOS screen.type in scanreg you get a pop up that says your registry has already been backed up today would you like to back it up again.Yes or No. To acess  the registry backup go to DOS type "scanreg /restore"( with the space & forward slash; without quotation marks. scanreg restore will give a list of scanreg options.This is only a list options must be entered with forward slash.Once you have entered scanreg /restore you will get a blue screen with the registry backups choose the one you want to restore the most current one usually works best older ones sometimes don't work.You have to navigate in this screen with your tab key & space bar.I know you were asking about Xp & this is for windows 98 se . :)  Cholla

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