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With my current configuration (see sig), could I install a faster proceesor (like core 2 extreme), or would I need to buy other things as well. According to gateway's website, my motherboard supports extreme processors, I was just wondering if I buy it could I just plug it in and go, or would I need bigger fans. Here are my specs:


Part Number: 1008992Gateway FX510XG Desktop Computer

Model: FX510XG

Following are the specifications for the Gateway

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It is hard to tell... The chipset does run the LGA775 processors up to the Extreme Editions.. However, since you bought from a manufacture I would not be suprised if the motherboard is a custom.  I would crack the case and see if you can get a model name or number on the motherboard. 

The only Intel board that I can find is the D975XBX..  Which is an ATX motherboard not a BTX, the type that you have, motherboard.  The ATX Intel board supports the 2.93 Core 2 Extreme X6800.  If you are able to post more info on that board I might be able to help you out a little more.

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Thank you. But, tell me, how much of an increase would I see with the upgrade, or would it be waste of a 1000 dollars? The main things i do is play graphically intensive games (offline) and I have a tv tuner that stays pretty busy. (Especially during football season)

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Thank you. But, tell me, how much of an increase would I see with the upgrade, or would it be waste of a 1000 dollars? The main things i do is play graphically intensive games (offline) and I have a tv tuner that stays pretty busy. (Especially during football season)

it would most likely be a waste of a 1000 bucks, unless you encode video 24/7.

........the processor you have is more than able to do what you are asking it to do........if you want more out of it - try and overclock it, other than that....id say any extra money is a waste

h ecan not overclock he has a gateway with a locked motherboard

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yes your motherboard will do a core 2 extreme you may have to do a bios update tho. http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/975x/index.htm

The board that is in this computer is a custom Intel board.  The only 975 boards that Intel makes for the public are currently ATX.. This being a BTX..  http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/motherboard/index.htm?iid=mbd_main+dt

I would call gateway and see what they say..  The fact that Gateway is running the 975 chipset doesnt mean that it will support everything that the standard Intel board will.

Alright I found the motherboard name..  It is referenced as the Intel (Lavacot) 975X.  However, http://support.gateway.com/s/MOTHERBD/Intel2/4001154/4001154nv.shtml under specs doenst list the Extreme Core 2 at all.

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