albertawireless Posted January 1, 2007 CID Share Posted January 1, 2007 Hi I am on xplornet wireless 900mhz reciever. What can I use to tweek this type of connection to make it go faster. I have a 3mbps account but am averaging 1.2mbps. I have been talking with them about this speed difference, but no satisfaction yet. I have a D Link extreme N wireless router and have noticed a 10% drop in speed. Is this normal? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted January 1, 2007 CID Share Posted January 1, 2007 albertawireless, Welcome to the forum. Yes! Using a router will give you a loss in speed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 1, 2007 CID Share Posted January 1, 2007 Welcome to the forum albertawireless 10% is not bad, some get much worse. A few get better. I always suggest reading this first. Achieve the Best Performance Out of Your Computer Fixes most speed issues. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VE3BXB Posted January 20, 2007 CID Share Posted January 20, 2007 I am sending this posting regarding the Xplornet contract. Does anyone dealing with Xplornet completely happy with the rules and conditions of their contract. I am using a wireless service at 2.4Ghz. The performance is not bad but I find that there are statements in their contract that is terrible. For example, it states that they can amend the contract at any time and if I choose to opt out of the contract due to this new amendment, then I have to pay the balance of the time left on the contract. For another example, let's say they want to increase the monthly payment, then they can do this with a 30 day notice. If I don't like it then I have to pay for the amount of time left in the contract.. This is a 3 year contract and I also find it to be too long. I am still within my 30 day trial period and I am considering to break out before it is too late. Have you seen your contract and read it lately. Remember that they can change this when ever they feel like it. Any comments? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
justinlay Posted January 20, 2007 CID Share Posted January 20, 2007 I am sending this posting regarding the Xplornet contract. Does anyone dealing with Xplornet completely happy with the rules and conditions of their contract. I am using a wireless service at 2.4GHz. The performance is not bad but I find that there are statements in their contract that is terrible. For example, it states that they can amend the contract at any time and if I choose to opt out of the contract due to this new amendment, then I have to pay the balance of the time left on the contract. For another example, let's say they want to increase the monthly payment, then they can do this with a 30 day notice. If I don't like it then I have to pay for the amount of time left in the contract.. This is a 3 year contract and I also find it to be too long. I am still within my 30 day trial period and I am considering to break out before it is too late. Have you seen your contract and read it lately. Remember that they can change this when ever they feel like it. Any comments? Damn a 3 year contract???!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 20, 2007 CID Share Posted January 20, 2007 I think that would make me really think. Is it worth it?? It had better be. That sounds more like a marriage to a nervous lawyer. And welcome to the forum VE3BXB Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VE3BXB Posted January 20, 2007 CID Share Posted January 20, 2007 Is there anyone out there that is in favor of the xplornet contract? So far I have seen from other parts of the net that people in general are not to happy with this contract business that xplornet has to offer. If the company is as bad as most people seem to think,how do they manage to stay in business ? Any comments? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 20, 2007 CID Share Posted January 20, 2007 I merely stated I did not like the contract. As to how they handle their business, I have no idea. Just make sure it is what you want when you sign up. 3 years is a long time, as 15 months seemed to take forever for me on Dway-hughes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fikester Posted January 20, 2007 CID Share Posted January 20, 2007 3yr contract I guess if it didn't work out you could claim insanity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brokersdad Posted February 20, 2007 CID Share Posted February 20, 2007 yup, 3 years is too long. that would bite if a better type of internet came into your area for alot less money a few months after you signed that contract! , it happens, thats how I got this satellite internet for nothing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
granpa Posted February 20, 2007 CID Share Posted February 20, 2007 Is there anyone out there that is in favor of the xplornet contract? So far I have seen from other parts of the net that people in general are not to happy with this contract business that xplornet has to offer. If the company is as bad as most people seem to think,how do they manage to stay in business ? Any comments? yup, 3 years is too long. that would bite if a better type of internet came into your area for alot less money a few months after you signed that contract! , it happens, thats how I got this satellite internet for nothing. The problem is as with any other businesses it takes money to get it running and more to keep it going. Where does this come from, investors alone? The 3 year contract is to keep a customer base that is felt to be long enough to keep activity and possibly show a profit and I don't remember any business staying around very long without profit. The reason there aren't many choices is the population density may be too light (not enough business) and a high cost per home to provide service. This is something that you live with where your at. The grass seems to always look greener on the other side. I myself would research and see if there is anything better coming in the 2 years and if not and I need more than dial-up sign up for the 3. I believe they (xplornet) are still trying and probably learning too.It could be 5 years before something better and you finally broke down after 4 and sign up, now you then have to go 2 years while something better is here, now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted February 21, 2007 CID Share Posted February 21, 2007 That is totally true grandpa. Always research, and don't go without just because you want better than what is available. Like me, I probably should upgrade, and as soon as I am sure nothing better is coming soon. I might as well move on up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted February 21, 2007 CID Share Posted February 21, 2007 After email hell... thats a long story... and crappy connection speeds for 1.5 years that sort of got better, but didn't, after spending hundreds of hours on the phone with customer support to xplornet, I am in the process of setting up for xplornet users to band together, to post connectivity issues ( the latest is that xplornet has oversubscribed and doesn't have the bandwidth in place) to a really interesting email fact... your outlook express "delete message from server" doesn't really delete ... I'm hoping to set up a forum in the next week. The site is live but just has a welcome message, and my latest 36 hour speed tests results. The purpose of the site is not to bash xplornet, but to educate xplornet users as to the real problems with their service, and to give xplornet customers a greater edge when you want to complain that you pay for 3MB of service but only get 3-500k dl speed 90% of the time and demand a credit on your account. For mods.. if this is innappropriate to post.. sorry.. please delete.. but here's one for ya to consider.. after being told to use this site for over a year and a half to report my speed tests to them, suddenly their tech support has told me your speed tests "are for satellite users only" and I was to use an alternate site... why.. well the other site doesn't have the great option of copying and pasting the speed test results with so much detail and accuracy you offer. I will be encouraging on my site people to use the download speed tests for a definitive benchmark. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
granpa Posted February 21, 2007 CID Share Posted February 21, 2007 I'm on a 900 MHz unit, just recently upgraded to 3mb from 1.5...see my testmy logs below. I have trees between me and the tower, my neighbour just hooked up last week with a 2.4 unit with direct LOS to tower, solid 3mb...only paying for 1.5. Funny thing is my speed increased when my neighbour got his unit installed??? Couple of questions here, what's the distance that your from the tower and your 2.4 neighbor? I remember reading a little on this that a 900 MHz radio could have better results in a cluttered path. With your fluctuations and trees in the way have noticed if the drops are when its windy or changes when leaves are out. There are ways to correct these physical problems but they can't be done on the phone with xplornet. Need to know more about your radio, antenna, position in the house, etc. Example just moving with a cell phone brings in better signal and in this case a better signal gives more speed. What speeds is your neighbor getting? After email hell... thats a long story... and crappy connection speeds for 1.5 years that sort of got better, but didn't, after spending hundreds of hours on the phone with customer support to xplornet, I am in the process of setting up for xplornet users to band together, to post connectivity issues ( the latest is that xplornet has oversubscribed and doesn't have the bandwidth in place) to a really interesting email fact... your outlook express "delete message from server" doesn't really delete ... Does xplornet have web mail? Is your Outlook Express setup correctly? Maybe some of us can help you to sort out these problems if you help with the research here. As I and many have found your ISP will only do so much to help you on your end and that is only what they can get their hands on over the phone. So I made it a point to understand my end, how it works and how to improve it. Granted you can't control traffic and slow downs from it but I know my end is good and when traffic is down I get more than my plan. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted February 21, 2007 CID Share Posted February 21, 2007 Couple of questions here, what's the distance that your from the tower and your 2.4 neighbor? I remember reading a little on this that a 900 MHz radio could have better results in a cluttered path. With your fluctuations and trees in the way have noticed if the drops are when its windy or changes when leaves are out. There are ways to correct these physical problems but they can't be done on the phone with xplornet. Need to know more about your radio, antenna, position in the house, etc. Example just moving with a cell phone brings in better signal and in this case a better signal gives more speed. What speeds is your neighbor getting? Does xplornet have web mail? Is your Outlook Express setup correctly? Maybe some of us can help you to sort out these problems if you help with the research here. As I and many have found your ISP will only do so much to help you on your end and that is only what they can get their hands on over the phone. So I made it a point to understand my end, how it works and how to improve it. Granted you can't control traffic and slow downs from it but I know my end is good and when traffic is down I get more than my plan. Thanks for your interest... i originally had a 900 sm, my neighbour with his 2.4 is approximately 100 feet away point to point. I moved my 900 sm from my roof to a location more lined up with the neighbours who has a direct line of site, but didn't get much better signal . After, 6 months of complaing of 2-300 K DL's they finally agreed to upgrade my sm to a 2.4 and my package from 1.5 to 3mb...... I had a TV tower ready to install it on... but their delays and with winter upon us, all they did was switch the 900 sm with the 2.4 sm... on the same 4 X 4 pole only 8' off the ground. Imagine my surprise but.. even with the minimal RSSI of 850... I was getting great speed tests for a while, over 2 mb download ( a while being 2 weeks) Prior to this, I was ultimately told by a LEVEL 3 tech that basically xplornet has had explosive growth, but the bandwidth hasn't been upgrade with hydro1 who provides their backbone. Thus the problem of speeds decreasing between 3 PM and 11 PM EST, as everyone overwhelms the network. As far as the email goes, I was supposed to have 50 MB of inbox storage with my 1.5 account.. when I upgraded Sims and service to 3 MB my account was supposed to have 100 MB of inbox storage. I noticed a drop in emails a couple of weeks ago, then a Friend called and said something was wrong with my email getting bounced back... further investigation revealed in fact my inbox was full. When I called tech support , I was told I was over my 5 MB limit ( my work had emailed me 2 PDF manuals) but thinks were OK know he had upped my account to 15 MBs... Not really knowing my inbox limit at the time, I thought the number was low , checked my account package and low and behold , I was indeed supposed to have 100 MB. Upon calling back in ( 10 minutes) later and pointing this out to another tech.. who kind of went ooops your right.. he said he would fix it. The other issue about webmail is basically this.. the way they have set up peoples email accounts, is that the only way to delete incoming email is to log into your webmail account and delete it from there. Even if you have the " delete files from server when deleted" box checked in your outlook express settings. Not only that but when you log into your webmail account, your web inbox will show "0" messages... however if you click the "0" magically your inbox appears... with all your messages setup much like a hotmail account. Now here is where things get really confusing.. you have a delete checkbox to select, and a delete button... do that and think you have deleted your email.. not quite.. now you have to find the" purge deleted" email link at upper right, click that and your email is deleted from the server.. after pointing all these issues out with the second tech.. he kind of agreed that things weren't right and would report it... when I called in for a credit.. I was told there was nothing wrong with their webmail, blah blah... it seems to be somewhat fixed now... but encourage anyone who has had email issues to check out my above posted site. I have forum software ready to install very soon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted February 24, 2007 CID Share Posted February 24, 2007 Just an Update.. I have spent $200 to register, and buy vbulletin software and hosting... the site WILL be up VERY soon... but after 2 years of crap guess what.. my speeds are back... RYAN.. thanks.. but the site is still going up... if xplornet tries to shut me down... we are, like I told you into "contract dispute"... you live up to your terms.. I'll back up my concerns with with other customers explaining their complaints.. together the people will stand as one, your company will BOW down to the people that pay.. if not ..... I will one see you in court! PROMISE!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted February 24, 2007 CID Share Posted February 24, 2007 to further update.. my testmy speeds a few days ago before announcing this on AVERAGE: ::::::::::.. Download Stats ..:::::::::: Download Connection is:: 497 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 61 kB/s Tested From:: (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/02/20 - 6:31pm Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 16.79 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 24.672 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 56.74 % of your hosts average (135.250) D-Validation Link:: User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) then suddenly on AVERAGE this after.. Ryan knew i was going to set up a complaint sute..hmmmmmm (remember I'm on the 3mb package) :::::::::::::::::.. Download Stats ..::::::::::::::::: Download Connection is:: 1332 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 163 kB/s Tested From:: (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/02/24 - 12:02am Bottom Line:: 23X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 6.28 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 9.203 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 50.85 % faster than the average for host (135.250) D-Validation Link:: User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) hmmmmmmmmmmmm .. maybe will do something for people... please sign up and comment when the site is online thnx! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmdanes Posted February 24, 2007 CID Share Posted February 24, 2007 Completely agree! class-action for theft of services paid for and not received......found another compay with an UNPLUGGED wireless so byebye to ALL the headaches and lack of service/speed......from I DO NOT XPLORENET still want to be refunded for paying for 3 Meg service a nd receiving close to dial up speed .until I was disconnected! When I downed my service to basic I received a speed increase........incredibly.........scam Where are the connections with the consumer affairs? Where are the class-action lawyers.........? >>>the views and ideas expressed in document are private and for that sole purpose >>>>any replication ,duplication or re-use is strictly forbidden..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted March 1, 2007 CID Share Posted March 1, 2007 Completely agree! class-action for theft of services paid for and not received......found another compay with an UNPLUGGED wireless so byebye to ALL the headaches and lack of service/speed......from I DO NOT XPLORENET still want to be refunded for paying for 3 Meg service a nd receiving close to dial up speed .until I was disconnected! When I downed my service to basic I received a speed increase........incredibly.........scam Where are the connections with the consumer affairs? Where are the class-action lawyers.........? >>>the views and ideas expressed in document are private and for that sole purpose >>>>any replication ,duplication or re-use is strictly forbidden..... I feel for ya.. I have spent more time helping xplornet troubleshoot their service ... OR LACK OF... than can be described but I will try on the xplornetsucks website... the last ARROGANCE n their part was the loss of email service for a week cause they limited my inbox to 5mb. I depend on email to be contacted for jobs, am an independant contractor, after pointing out this issue and other relevant email issues.. which I am SURE all xplornet customers have incurred.. RYAN their level 2 "head Honcho blew me off.. thus is born. Let's get a few people to post issues/speeds/ customer support nightmares and then let them them deny REFUNDS. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted March 1, 2007 CID Share Posted March 1, 2007 MY Site is up!!.. it's basic, crude, hopefully people can gather and share our experiences Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 2, 2007 CID Share Posted March 2, 2007 Right ON. Thats a shame it will take that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmdanes Posted March 2, 2007 CID Share Posted March 2, 2007 My experience with Ryan was the same.. Next up is Scott.. He is the guy that is full of empty promises as well.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted March 2, 2007 CID Share Posted March 2, 2007 Right ON. Thats a shame it will take that. needs to be done.. just have to get the word out to xplornet customers...somehow? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
warezmike Posted March 2, 2007 CID Share Posted March 2, 2007 My experience with Ryan was the same.. Next up is Scott.. He is the guy that is full of empty promises as well.... no scott is FOS.. LOL... here is a response to an email where I uploaded my, speed tests for my acount records... "Thank you for your email and speed results, I will post them in your account for future reference. In cases such as yours, the best course of action would to call our help desk at 866 841 6001 for more advanced support concerning your speeds. Also you may want to try this site is better for wireless customers over which is used more for satellite connections Regards, Xplornet Support Team Thank You, Scott Mazerall Customer Affairs Liaison [email protected] 1-506-324-8654 Toll Free: 1-866-841-6001 I Would LOVE to see the TEAM respond to this kind of crap!!!!!! Xplornet has many many issues... amazing they would even say such garbage... but they do!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmdanes Posted March 2, 2007 CID Share Posted March 2, 2007 speakeasy is a faster server and u will most likely get better speed reporting ...DO NOT beleive it. Testmy is a site they use and gives more accurate speeds as seen by customers... although I would stick with this site speakeasy may falsely placate u DO NOT quote speeds from there to them as they are highly inaccurate. Do Not expect a response as all XPLORNET (lack of)service reps are full of it and will tell stories to no end.. is that the reason for 2 yr contract?... Have they given u the :"Well we just completed upgrades and are waiting for Hydro to run system? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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