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Would like other member opinions of Cholla

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Hi all: Not to start anything again.One member had this opinion of me

                                              "Fucking lame"

I will leave that members identy out of this. Any other members that think I don't hold my own in the forum?I usually don't use profanity it's not my style.I am only including it here as a quote.I couldn't use the quote button because of the location of the post.

    Which way does this member prefer it ?No more "excrement" started if that was your goal why did you resort to firing the above quote at me or at least my actions?

          I needed to start a new post there was no other opportunity to reply.

If i had been PMed with this I would have awnsered by PM & left this out of the forum.

One on One so to speak.So is this lame too.  :angry5: Cholla

So I would like to ask the rest of the forum members do you think this is a description of me?

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    Yes I probably you know who you are talking about probably the same one that told me to f off! I am not going to start anything either because I respect cable alot and he said STOP!!!!!!!!!! So I will but as far as you go to me cholla I don't hate you or think you are mean or anything I don't ever recall seeing a bad post by you but I really don't remeber who posted what I just read and reply but as far as I go you are a cool guy thanks!!!!!!!!!!

Hi jim2006: I agree on the respect for CA3LE .his STOP was at 8;49 PM 1/18/2005 at least this is what search turned up for me.The post with the "Fucking lame" Came at

  7:36 AM 1/19/2005 this member must have missed CA3LE's STOP request.

If CA3LE made it again after the above time I missed it.  :cool: Cholla

you know, i can understand people not wanting the topic refreshed, but going the pansy assed route of deleting uncomfortable posts on the subject, or even worse, half assed pansy assed bullshit by just moving the posts to the archives, like everyone is too stupid to know where to look is not going to make the fact of the matter away, yet it looks like someone os trying to maintain the shine on a bucket full of shit by sweeping stuff under the carpet.

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