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I'm the kinda guy that loves to follow his own path. Everyone seems of late to want to use firefox for different reasons. Myself I went and found and tried Opera. Man I so love this browser. It has voice. The browser will read to you and the voice is pretty good. I really love the ad blocker. Just right click on the page and click block content and click on the content you want blocked. But the beauty of this browser is the ability to tweak it just the way you want it.

I have my right click set up so I can open the current page in maxthon, can use ie and or firefox. I use yahoo bookmarks, so I open my yahoo bookmark's in a new tab when I wanna save a bookmark's or retrieve it. I can also open any search engine I want in a new tab. I also have my keyboard set up so I can do allot of surfing using the number pad and arrow keys. The forum they have is super for help. If you wanna try a new browser give it a shot. I plan on hanging around this forum. Any questions just ask I will do my best to help if ya need it.

I forgot to add. Opera is now free and will stay that way. No cost what so ever.

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Just for the record. Opera was ok , to me , but ff is what I am used to. I have used it for a few years (ff), and I just stick w/ what I like , All the addins, ie. Foxyproxy, random e-mail / temp inbox,  and jsview is da chit  :thumbsup:

I'll agree. Opera is a good browser, although IN MY OPPINION firefox is better. I really dont want a war o' the browsers lol.

  PLease no more browser war  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Just for the record. Opera was ok , to me , but ff is what I am used to. I have used it for a few years (ff), and I just stick w/ what I like , All the addins, ie. Foxyproxy, random e-mail / temp inbox,  and jsview is da chit  :thumbsup:  PLease no more browser war  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

I forsure agree. I refuse to get into that whole which browser is better stuff. I say try them all (they are free). Use the one that works best for you and your system and that will be the best browser. I did not start the thread to get into the silly browser war. Just thought someone may want to try something diffrent and had no idea what opera was able to do. I never did understand the browser war thing. Hey use whats best for you. Its your computer. Why would anyone care really. Just my humble oppinion.

I forsure agree. I refuse to get into that whole which browser is better stuff. I say try them all (they are free). Use the one that works best for you and your system and that will be the best browser. I did not start the thread to get into the silly browser war. Just thought someone may want to try something diffrent and had no idea what opera was able to do. I never did understand the browser war thing. Hey use whats best for you. Its your computer. Why would anyone care really. Just my humble oppinion.

  It's all good man :) just silly fun, don't get the wrong idea. Besides, I had no idea that Opera would "read" to you !!??? No kidding? Now i'll have to check out there new version, just so I can listen to ...............well I'll find something to have it read to me ,  :haha: :haha:  Thanks for the info ninjageek

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