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Oh man..so many different opinions on this one. Well here is mine. My preference is the PS3. I have a 60 inch Sony WEGA and the PS3 has HDMI where as the XBOX 360 does not. Also I enjoy my movies in high def on Blu Ray so the PS3 serves me two purposes. The Wii is great and all but wont do much to impress on your new tv. Congrats on the tv by the way. I guess it comes down to what games you like. If you get the 360 you can add on HD DVD but that format is quickly dying and does not have the studio support Blu Ray does. With that new tv you WILL want to play high def movies on it, DVD's look like straight shit next to Blu Ray. Good Luck.

buy the ps3 for thecheap bluray support and the Wii for the games? i guess it comes down to personal preferences. see if you can rent them at rent-a-center or aarons to try them out. might be worth it to give each of the platforms a test spin.

Xbox 360...Why? Because they have a much larger game library and their games are of much better quality than any of the competition. Also the Xbox 360 will be closely tied to Windows Vista. Then you have the far superior Xbox Live. The controller feels the best. If you want HD movies you can just get the HD-DVD add on. Also on the Xbox 360 you can rent movies over the internet and then come about fall you will be able to use it for an IPTV set-top box. But the main reason for going 360 is the GAMES!!! The games are absolutely the best hands down, no questions asked. Although Xbox Live is another large factor. If you are looking for online gaming, then there is simply nothing better to have than Xbox Live.

Also the comment on HD-DVD quickly dieing is off. HD-DVD is FAR from dieing.

Thank you for your advice. I went ahead and went with the 360. I have had it about 3 hours now and I love it. I wish I had something other than STUPID Hughes internet. I'm sure gaming is not going to be as good online because of the lag issues. I am also impressed with the amount of add-ons available for the 360, and xbox live is pretty impressive as well.

Thank you for your advice. I went ahead and went with the 360. I have had it about 3 hours now and I love it. I wish I had something other than STUPID Hughes internet. I'm sure gaming is not going to be as good online because of the lag issues. I am also impressed with the amount of add-ons available for the 360, and xbox live is pretty impressive as well.

Call of Duty 3 should play just fine with Hughes. I used to play it on my Wildblue connection until they made the pings horrible.(average anywhere from 1300-1700+) I also hear that Lost Planet works, but I have not tried it myself. I made a list a while back on what worked and didn't work on Wildblue(before it got bad). Although Hughes pings are not quite as good as Wildblue was when I ran this test, some of the games that worked on Wildblue should work on Hughes. http://www.wildblue.cc/wbforums/showthread.php?t=1927

Thank you for your advice. I went ahead and went with the 360. I have had it about 3 hours now and I love it. I wish I had something other than STUPID Hughes internet. I'm sure gaming is not going to be as good online because of the lag issues. I am also impressed with the amount of add-ons available for the 360, and xbox live is pretty impressive as well.

Awesome, enjoy it. You never told us what tv you got.

Awesome, enjoy it. You never told us what tv you got.

Samaung HP- S4253. It's pretty nice. Standard definition looks ok but I have notice some pixelation on dark scenes. I think it is called false contouring. But it's not hard to get used to.

Also the comment on HD-DVD quickly dieing is off. HD-DVD is FAR from dieing.

Thanks for correcting that guy, HD-DVD has support from great movies like Superman returns, and mission impossible 3, as well as a head start on support from the porn industry.

Thanks for correcting that guy, HD-DVD has support from great movies like Superman returns, and mission impossible 3, as well as a head start on support from the porn industry.

HD DVD only has one studio exclusivly supporting it, Universal I believe, where as Blu Ray has all the rest. Really Blu Ray has won. It came out late, is more expensive and is still WAY ahead of HD DVD in sales.



Here are links with info regarding sales ranks at two of the largest dvd sites. Blu Ray is killing HD DVD. Note that the first link follows Amazon. Look at the sales rank for the top 10 Blu Ray compared to top ten HD DVD. Its laughable.



Here are links to upcomming releases. If you notice Blu Ray has huge movies like Casino Royal and Pirates of the Cari. HD DVD has.... well really nothing great that Blu Ray doesnt have. Not to mention the only manufacturer of HD DVD players right now is Toshiba and for Blu Ray you have Sony, Pioneer and several other big name companies. If you really want to know the state of the war go to www.avsforum.com and look in the HD DVD section and Blu Ray section. I know what I am talking about here and HD DVD is screwed. Blu Ray has already won in Japan, Australia is supporting Blu Ray nearly exclusivly and BluRay is WAY ahead in the US.


What benefits does Blu-ray offer compared to HD-DVD?

Although both Blu-ray and HD-DVD are similar in many aspects, there are some important differences between them.

The first is capacity. Because Blu-ray utilizes a lens with a greater numerical aperture (NA) than HD-DVD, the laser spot can be focused with greater precision to fit more data on the same size disc. This allows Blu-ray to hold 25GB per layer (50GB on a dual-layer disc), whereas HD-DVD can only hold 15GB per layer (30GB on a dual-layer disc). Blu-ray has also adopted a higher data transfer rate for video and audio (54Mbps vs 36.55Mbps). The greater capacity and data transfer rates for Blu-ray will allow the movie studios to release their movies with higher quality video and audio than the HD-DVD format.

The second is content. The Blu-ray format has received broad support from the major movie studios as a successor to today's DVD format. Seven of the eight major movie studios (Warner, Paramount, Fox, Disney, Sony, MGM and Lionsgate) have already announced titles for Blu-ray, whereas HD-DVD only has support from three major movie studios (Warner, Paramount and Universal). This is an important difference because some of the studios might only support one of the formats, so you won't be able to get your favorite movies in the other format. Choosing the format with the most content support minimizes this risk.

The third is hardware support. The Blu-ray format has broad support from the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers, including Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Pioneer, Sharp, JVC, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, TDK, Thomson, LG, Apple, HP and Dell. The Blu-ray format will also be supported in the next-generation PlayStation 3 (PS3) video game console. This means that you will have a lot of choice when it comes to players and hardware. The HD-DVD format has far less supporters, so the amount of players and hardware will be very limited. Currently, Toshiba is the only company offering a stand-alone HD-DVD player.

Heres a nice comparison with studios that support both sides. Compare studios supporting Blu Ray and HD DVD. Sorry for the quality of this post im in a huge hurry.

Samaung HP- S4253. It's pretty nice. Standard definition looks ok but I have notice some pixelation on dark scenes. I think it is called false contouring. But it's not hard to get used to.

i know what ya mean, SD looks like hell on them. digital looks ok on them but it still sucks. HD is the only way.

HD DVD only has one studio exclusivly supporting it, Universal I believe, where as Blu Ray has all the rest. Really Blu Ray has won. It came out late, is more expensive and is still WAY ahead of HD DVD in sales.



Here are links with info regarding sales ranks at two of the largest dvd sites. Blu Ray is killing HD DVD.



Here are links to upcomming releases. If you notice Blu Ray has huge movies like Casino Royal and Pirates of the Cari. HD DVD has.... well really nothing great that Blu Ray doesnt have. Not to mention the only manufacturer of HD DVD players right now is Toshiba and for Blu Ray you have Sony, Pioneer and several other big name companies. If you really want to know the state of the war go to www.avsforum.com and look in the HD DVD section and Blu Ray section. I know what I am talking about here and HD DVD is screwed. Blu Ray has already won in Japan, Australia is supporting Blu Ray nearly exclusivly and BluRay is WAY ahead in the US.

Heres a nice comparison with studios that support both sides. Compare studios supporting Blu Ray and HD DVD. Sorry for the quality of this post im in a huge hurry.

HD-DVD has alot of features that arent even being used yet. also it has the backing of the porn industry (and we all know how they helped VHS)  And its got it on the price.

The only thing Blu-Ray has that HD-DVD doesnt is the storage 100GB is real nice vs 50GB.

Also the HD-DVD film transfers look better. I don't know if its just a thing for now, but as far as movie quality HD-DVD looks better.

No D both have porno backing with Blu Ray backed by two of the biggest.



So  what you said is not true. Not that porno on disc matters as much anymore, with the internet.

Both formats have lots of features not being used yet, interactivity and what not.  As far as HD DVD looking better that was true months ago, look at the PQ ratings for the two formats lately. It is the same and Blu Ray has a advantage in sound quality.

http://slashdot.org/articles/07/02/21/2050201.shtml <---- Check this out. The stats come from reviews at High Def digest, which is very well respected

No D both have porno backing with Blu Ray backed by two of the biggest.



So  what you said is not true. Not that porno on disc matters as much anymore, with the internet.

Both formats have lots of features not being used yet, interactivity and what not.  As far as HD DVD looking better that was true months ago, look at the PQ ratings for the two formats lately. It is the same and Blu Ray has a advantage in sound quality.

http://slashdot.org/articles/07/02/21/2050201.shtml <---- Check this out. The stats come from reviews at High Def digest, which is very well respected

check these out




HD-DVD is cheaper to produce so they go for that.

Blu Ray has the big names backing them, thats what they need. Like I said though with the internet... porno.. meh, its not like the 80s where you could only get it on tape. Blu Ray has porn too though. Earlier you said all Blu Ray had that HD DVD didnt was capacity but you forgot the overwhealming major movie studio support. What is even worse about the sales trends is that HD DVD had almost a 3 month head start with no competition and built up a lead. Not only has Blu Ray caught up it has passed HD DVD and the gap widens. HD DVD will hang in there a little while but not forever.

Blu Ray has support from Fox, Disney, MGM, Sony Pictures and Lionsgate EXCLUSIVLY, meaning those companies will release NO movies on HD DVD,  HD DVD has exclusive support from Universal, thats it and Weinstein (lmao not a biggy). That is what matters. Parents want movies for their kids on a new format... Blu Ray is it. Want Spiderman in HD, one of the highest grossing movies to date, well thats Blu Ray.  Want the Saw trilogy.. yup Blu Ray. Pirates of the Carribean, another box office SMASHER. thats Blu Ray.

http://wesleytech.com/blu-ray-vs-hd-dvd-replication-costs-revealed/111/ Check this out on the latest cost per disc to produce figures. You might get surprised.

As much fun as I have arguing with you I gotta duck out. Im bout to get real busy. Love you hooney buuuny.  :kiss: :kiss: I just couldnt resist posting some facts about it when people were "correcting me".  :lol:

Blu Ray has the big names backing them, thats what they need. Like I said though with the internet... porno.. meh, its not like the 80s where you could only get it on tape. Blu Ray has porn too though. Earlier you said all Blu Ray had that HD DVD didnt was capacity but you forgot the overwhealming major movie studio support. What is even worse about the sales trends is that HD DVD had almost a 3 month head start with no competition and built up a lead. Not only has Blu Ray caught up it has passed HD DVD and the gap widens. HD DVD will hang in there a little while but not forever.

Blu Ray has support from Fox, Disney, MGM, Sony Pictures and Lionsgate EXCLUSIVLY, meaning those companies will release NO movies on HD DVD,  HD DVD has exclusive support from Universal, thats it and Weinstein (lmao not a biggy). That is what matters. Parents want movies for their kids on a new format... Blu Ray is it. Want Spiderman in HD, one of the highest grossing movies to date, well thats Blu Ray.  Want the Saw trilogy.. yup Blu Ray. Pirates of the Carribean, another box office SMASHER. thats Blu Ray.

http://wesleytech.com/blu-ray-vs-hd-dvd-replication-costs-revealed/111/ Check this out on the latest cost per disc to produce figures. You might get surprised.

those companies have all swaped places, who knows when they will do it again.

its not just cost per disk. HD-DVD is far easier to produce as a whole. Sony does stupid shit to make everything hard, its the same with the PS3, and was the same with beta-max. They have always had better quality epically when it comes to sound, but they always make it to hard to put anything on them.

either way they will both be dead in a year if we do not get cheaper players that do both, and drives for our computers that are $100

EDIT: stupid tmn screwed up so i only got 1/2 my post lol

No, none of those companies have swapped places. None of them have released one disc on the competing format. That goes for the studios supporting Blu Ray and HD DVD. As much as I love arguing with you (and  I do) I gotta run. See you soon sexy.  :azn: :azn: Yea the screw up messed up my previous message edit about having to go. Tell me you love me.  :smitten: Buh Bye,, I gotta WORK.

I dunno I think HD DVD will stick though it may just not ever reach blu ray's popularity.

It very well could. I probably over spoke earlier when I said it was quickly dying. Thats not true. There has been alot of talk about Universal switching to Blu Ray discs, if and when that happens HD DVD will have a hard time... a really hard time. If Universal never move to BR or neutral then you are right. I like your level headed comment in the midst of me and Dlewis going back and fourth... hes my girlfriend and he likes it.  :lol: I love talking with D, I can argue and argue with him and offense is never taken and anger or childish name calling never comes up... well maybe name calling.  :haha: I do call him a woman alot.

It very well could. I probably over spoke earlier when I said it was quickly dying. Thats not true. There has been alot of talk about Universal switching to Blu Ray discs, if and when that happens HD DVD will have a hard time... a really hard time. If Universal never move to BR or neutral then you are right. I like your level headed comment in the midst of me and Dlewis going back and fourth... hes my girlfriend and he likes it.  :lol: I love talking with D, I can argue and argue with him and offense is never taken and anger or childish name calling never comes up... well maybe name calling.  :haha: I do call him a woman alot.

Thats what I'm here for level headed comments and give the best advice when I can (which is about never  :uglystupid2::smiley:

:shock:Shug you CAN NOT have a discussion without name calling!!!! Hurry up and call him a retard or something before you lose your dignity!!!! lol jk

Lol your my kind of guy Shug. Some people don't understand that you can disagree with them and you don't haft to get your panties in a wad about it. For example I disagree on HD-DVD being a dieing format. But I am not "angry" with you for disagreeing. Also you have some good points and I even learned some stuff about Blu-Ray from your discussion. I also realize that I could easily be wrong about HD-DVD. IMO it could go either way at this point. For example I think that HD-DVD could really hurt Blu-Ray if they get this rumored $200 HD-DVD player out. O yah...Shug rides da short bus dur dur dur. [nerdly]:haha::2funny::idiot2:

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