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Have you played games on a Mattel Intelevision?

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Hi all: I still have this electronic game I just thought I would see if anyone else had played on one.I got mine when it came out I beleive this was in 1978 .Thats the date of the oldest game cartrige.It was a pretty sophisticated game for its time the controller is a hand held 12 key  with 4 side buttons & a pressure disk below the 12 key was the joystick.The disk was 16 direction.I think Atari came out before this but was much simpler.I know there are much more advanced games now but some of the first ones like this are still fun.So anyone ever play this electronic game? And how about that type controller?  Cholla

I don't think I've used it, but I have used a Colecovision. After I got my SNES my mom threw it away though. But, about 6 months ago I went on Ebay since I wanted a Colecovisioon again and wound up getting 2 systems, the Atari add-on and over 5o games.  :D

:haha:  :)  cholla,

That was the coolest game I ever played at the time, it was a big deal everyone wanted it and wanted to play the games, I cant remember the name of the particular  game but I remember going down a path and when you got close you could hear a snake rattling and it got me so friggen nervous that I would get caught most of the time, but for the time the graphics and style was way ahead of its time..... and BTW as I'm sure you remember it was big bucks and ppl were saying guys that bought and played these games were insane.... LOL ( that part may have been true..lol ) thanks great memories... :)

8) Microwave


Yes you really are old like me!!!!  LOL  I had a new intelivision,  wore two of them out...  Loved it...  Two games I'll never forget was the sea battle one were you had a fleet and 6-8 different kinds of ships.  You had to protect your base and get theres...  Also one that I can't remember the name of but it was like asteroids and you could set screen to bounce you or let you pass threw to the other side...

Also do you remember B-17 bomber?  With the voice module that attached to the Intelevision..

Those were the days...  LOL

Hi Microwave the one you are talking about was "advanced Dungeons & Dragons" I wore this one out & no longer have this cartrige.One of my favorites too.

How about the bi-planes in one called triple action.

Lantom the had several I will have too look through the ones I have iI think the asteroids type one is space battle.I think the sea battle one you are talking about is Utopia.

Netmasta cool on the coleco there was also a steering wheel & accelerator pedal fro the coleco race games. Cholla

hi Tbrown: I still play mine sometimes too .I got it out the other day & played some that is why I thought I would post the topic. I missed night stalker some way so I haven't played that one .I would guess that it was based on the TV show of the same name.The favorite I still have that works is triple action with biplanes,tanks & indy type racing.I like the boxing too but it can be hard onthe controlers once the adrenelin gets going

Hi Microwave it probably is the origonal dungeons& dragons .I don't think Atari had one out before. Cholla

Hi netmasta: I would call your collection impressive.I would call the other guy obsessed or possessed.I don't Have mine as well liste as yours But starting in order of age I have: Intellavision,this is first because the old Atari I had bit the dust,Commodore 64, Nintendo NES,Sega Genesis,Nintendo Virtual Boy I have some cartriges for all of them I think the best amount would be the Commedore or the NES.

I know there are newer games but I don't have time to play these as much as I would like to. Cholla

Hi netmasta: I would call your collection impressive.I would call the other guy obsessed or possessed.I don't Have mine as well liste as yours But starting in order of age I have: Intellavision,this is first because the old Atari I had bit the dust,Commodore 64, Nintendo NES,Sega Genesis,Nintendo Virtual Boy I have some cartriges for all of them I think the best amount would be the Commedore or the NES.

I know there are newer games but I don't have time to play these as much as I would like to. Cholla

I got all of the Coleco and Atari games., about 6 different controllers (a few different types)  2 Coleco systems, only one with a plug though. I also got the Atari add-on for the Coleco,  on 2 Ebay auctions for only $110.  :D Pretty good deal if you ask me  :mrgreen:

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