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i have windows xp pro OEM version installed on my pc that i built not too long ago, i dont think i can, but was wondering if i could use the isntall cd and install xp pro with it onto my laptop that have xp media center right now...? but it's OEM so i dont think it will work will it?

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ok one more question then i will be satisfied  :roll:

anyways, i want to upgrade to at least 1.5gb of ram in my laptop and i have chosen this memory http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductReview.aspx?Item=N82E16820146517

will that be compatible with my acer aspire 3100-1033? i beleive it is since i did the crucial scan to see what i needed but before i pay 120 for it i want to make sure  :smile2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes u can activate it on many many computers.. activate by phone, get to a rep and they will activate it =)

In which case you lied to them so you have committed fraud..  The EULA reads..

1.1 Installation and use.  You may install, use, access, display and run one copy of the Software on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device ("Workstation Computer"). The Software may not be used by more than two (2) processors at any one time on any single Workstation Computer.

Which means that quad core processors currently violate the EULA of XP..

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In which case you lied to them so you have committed fraud..  The EULA reads..

Which means that quad core processors currently violate the EULA of XP..

wow did not know that

btw theres a hack tool that allows you to update windows even if its a pirated key but after you do update it you will c please register with microsoft in 30 days but you run the 2nd part of the hack and it destroys that message

look into it

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Well.. some more research.. and the tune has changed a little bit.. There are two ways that MS does its licensing.. per installation and per processor aka per socket.  Basically all of the XP software is per installation based.  So the processor really doesn't have anything to do with it.  I have not been able to find anyone that has tried to install XP on a quad socket platform.. But from the reading I did, it looks like XP Pro is limited to 2 physical sockets.

Now for the per processor deal.. It is physical processors not cores, like I thought it was [nerd].  So you could have dual quad cores, logically that would be an 8 core system, but only count as two processors in terms of licensing as far as MS is concerned. 

So you could run an 8 core system on XP pro and a 4 core system on XP home.  Assuming that you were using quad core processors.

Here is some more info: http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=1490

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