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whats the difference between osx and windows vista ?

There is a big difference.

One is secure, guess which one isnt  :haha:

Most of the stuff in vista is stolen from osx

vista's search its just spotlight

Vista's gadgets are mac's widgets

movie maker & dvd maker is like imovie and idvd now

the list goes on

read this one: http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196800670&pgno=1&queryText=

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not completely true.

vista is just as secure as OSX but nobody bothers to hack macs.

yup, mac is as just insecure as vista... its so crappy, that people dont even bother with it

No ture, Vista is no were as secure as OSX. OSX is BSD unix so it has security built all through out it. Vista is still windows no matter which way you cut it there is still a registry there is still open file systems, you still run as admin by default. UAC isnt going to last very long, epically when most people turn it off.

There have been viruses made for the mac, the problem is you have to be a slack dumb ass for them to do anything. There was one that went around a few months ago through email attachments but to get infected you had to download it, run, type your password 4 times before it would start the install, then you had to do it again because it had a license agreement in it.

its not that people don't bother to hack a mac, its just too hard to infect them.

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i agree with dlewis.......given that osx is built upon bsd it would have all or most of its security features built in....

to state an example....take a virus for example...we all know how easy it is to get it to execute on a windows machine, even with an anti virus program running - on a linux/unix machine its so to say almost impossible.  In order for a virus to execute in a linux/unix environment the user, which 99% of time does not have root access, needs to have access to write/read to those executable programs.  Thats because most programs are owned by root for security purposes and regular users do not have access to it...

its just a simple example of why its so much harder to do so in a linux/unix environment....i dont think it has anything to do with the fact that not a lot of people use unix/linux to begin with

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if there was as much macs for everyday users and people who try to hack it it would be same as windows.

i stand by my opinion  [nerd]

No true...

Its just a better OS, and a proven OS its been around for 20 years with no problems.

i agree with dlewis.......given that osx is built upon bsd it would have all or most of its security features built in....

to state an example....take a virus for example...we all know how easy it is to get it to execute on a windows machine, even with an anti virus program running - on a linux/unix machine its so to say almost impossible.  In order for a virus to execute in a linux/unix environment the user, which 99% of time does not have root access, needs to have access to write/read to those executable programs.  Thats because most programs are owned by root for security purposes and regular users do not have access to it...

its just a simple example of why its so much harder to do so in a linux/unix environment....i dont think it has anything to do with the fact that not a lot of people use unix/linux to begin with


I completely forgot to mention the read and write permissions windows doesn't have that and it would make the biggest difference if windows did have it.

If windows didn't let you run as root all the time you wouldn't have 90% of the security problems that windows does.

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Its all about your own opinion. I personally like windows because that what ive always used, and I always had trouble with mac becuase i couldnt do anything with it. but if you know how to use macs then use it.

I dont even know where i could get a mac, i never see them in stores. Plus i like how you can upgrade pc more easily.

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Hi all, long time reader first time poster.

Macs are just as vulenerable as Windows machines when it comes to viruses. I know Mac users refuse to believe this but its true. A magizine ran an article for 30 days offering a new virus/backdoor/velnerability/etc each day. There's been competitions to hack Macs, one which ended in 30 minutes, and someone just discovered a mishandling in quicktime that could be used to take hijack the computer through the plugin if the webpage is visited. (I'll find links later.)

One fomr a while ago: http://www.techworld.com/security/news/index.cfm?newsid=1798

Secondly, there are emulators for Macs on Windows machines but they aren't very good unless the operating system is stored externally, kind of a dual boot fashion.

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Hi all, long time reader first time poster.

Macs are just as vulenerable as Windows machines when it comes to viruses.  I know Mac users refuse to believe this but its true.  A magizine ran an article for 30 days offering a new virus/backdoor/velnerability/etc each day.  There's been competitions to hack Macs, one which ended in 30 minutes, and someone just discovered a mishandling in quicktime that could be used to take hijack the computer through the plugin if the webpage is visited.  (I'll find links later.)

One fomr a while ago: http://www.techworld.com/security/news/index.cfm?newsid=1798

Secondly, there are emulators for Macs on Windows machines but they aren't very good unless the operating system is stored externally, kind of a dual boot fashion.

That artical is way old and before OS X Tiger which had many of the improvements that i mentioned. One thing that i did not notice them mention is that your going to have to want to get a virus because on a mac you would have to tell it to start because you never run as root so it doesnt allow you to modify any system settings with out you tell it to.

thats very tight ! ....didnt know u could do that......does that pull from ur installation of windows and sets it up as a 2ndary desktop or do you somehow install windows from within mac os ?

Its a app called parallels desktop. It allows you to install windows inside its own virtual machine in OSX, And since it doesn't use emulation its just as fast as a regular full windows desktop. There is a program called crossover that allows you to run windows app's with out even running windows.

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Contest link: http://www.theregister.com/2007/04/20/pwn-2-own_winner/

30 minute hack: http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/security/soa/Mac-OS-X-hacked-under-30-minutes/0,130061744,139241748,00.htm

Future problems: http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/security/soa/Ancient-flaws-leave-OS-X-vulnerable-/0,130061744,139234678,00.htm

The last two links are stories related to gaining access to and running with root control.  Just google Mac vulnerabilities or something like that, there's plenty more.

And yea, the Mac running Windows is better than Windows running Mac, that's for sure.

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I think thats important to point out that there are different sources from which you can gather information and support your argument....if they make a legit/plausible argument with good amount of proof, thats another story...

Linux vs. Windows Viruses

By Scott Granneman, SecurityFocus

Posted: 06/10/2003 at 09:55 GMT

Opinion To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it, writes SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman.


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That's a good read but it's only looking at Email attachments.  "Virus"(all encompassing) writters don't target the Linux or Mac OS with email attachments because they know how hard that is, as this article shows. And hands down, the homogenous applications on Windows hurt before they are patched.  But they are using internet browsers to run scripts that allow them to gain access to and run in root.  This way the "social engineering" part is also the same easy process across the board: a website link from a friend, an accidental click, or even a mistyped url.

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