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This is some what of an old story.. But either way Dell has begun to offer/ship notebooks and desktops with Linux pre-loaded.  Overall the systems are a little cheaper but I was wondering if anyone here would actually buy a Linux based product at this time with no experience what so ever?

Here is a direct link to what they are offering.  It is Ubuntu and FreeDOS.


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I would have my doubts about someone wanting linux pre loaded. The linux geeks will already have there own fav flavor of linux ready to load.

Average users are still a bit intimidated about linux. Linux can a bit of peta at times. Most are to  just used to windows. In time llnux will apeal to the masses. Just my huble opinion.

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I would have my doubts about someone wanting linux pre loaded. The linux geeks will already have there own fav flavor of linux ready to load.

Average users are still a bit intimidated about linux. Linux can a bit of peta at times. Most are to  just used to windows. In time llnux will apeal to the masses. Just my huble opinion.

yes but next time i wanna buy a pc i dont want to pay for a windows license that i am not going use

or if i can get a commercial license and install windows for free in my pc

they did massive research before they decided this

it will work i am convinced

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yes but next time i wanna buy a pc i dont want to pay for a windows license that i am not going use

or if i can get a commercial license and install windows for free in my pc

they did massive research before they decided this

it will work i am convinced

So how much does a a person save with lynix laptop compared to windows laptop? Huh. Never really thought about that. I just assumed the price would be the same. Does make sense a lynix laptop should be cheeper.

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I did some quick checking on Dell.It looks like a E1505 notebook with windows goes for $699.00. The E1505 with Ubuntu Linux goes for $599.00. BUT !!  if you bring the 512  memory in the Linux machine up to the 1mb to match  the windows machine has the price goes up to $649.00. The windows machine has a X1400 video card,So if you buy the option nvidia card {256mb Geforce GO 7300 Turbo Cache] offer on the Linux machine the price goes up to $728.00 So you can save $50.00 dollars if you do not need the better video card or spend a extra $29.00 dollar  on the Linux machine to get one close to the windows machine.

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