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anyone know how to "uncap" the limit on dway.. i dl too much ........

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Ok first off welcome to the forum :D Hope you like it and tell your friends. Second off I dont think anyone will tell you this and if they did you would just get busted. I dont think they would cap you because you dl to much, but you are capped from the word go. I know some isps will but I dont know about DW.

This is a waiting thing most likely.

You have to just wait out the time, until you're connection is Un Capped.

My ISP had my connection cap limit set at 10 GB of file downloading per month before, and if I were to download more than that, my connection would slow down to a dial up speed at times.

Although, I now pay the company an extra five dollars a month which gives me un limited downloading. So, I have no cap limit.....And could download every song in the world!  :haha: Without a connection slow down with internet speed!

So, maybe that's something to look into?  :D

This is a waiting thing most likely.

You have to just wait out the time, until you're connection is Un Capped.

My ISP had my connection cap limit set at 10 GB of file downloading per month before, and if I were to download more than that, my connection would slow down to a dial up speed at times.

Although, I now pay the company an extra five dollars a month which gives me un limited downloading. So, I have no cap limit.....And could download every song in the world! :haha: Without a connection slow down with internet speed!

So, maybe that's something to look into? :D

What ISP are you using =P

..ye i think that happened to me two cuz i uploaded like 20GB in one day ..and now my upload speed wont go higher that 100Kbps :(

ROFL! Cry me a river hahahaha... 100kbps.. yeah.. i think i peaked 6 today.. haha


My ISP is Persona, www.personainc.net (Not sure if they're available outside of Canada?)

And yea, 20 GB will down your connection if you have a cap  :haha:

Mine was down to about 50 Kbps, until I started slipping them that extra five dollars.  ;)

Not a bad deal really, seeing as I download about 5 GB daily, so five dollars for un limited downloading, is alot better than the 10 GB limit they had me set at!  :D


Hi, I'm new here. This thread is confusing me a bit.  I can't tell whether it is being said that Direcway definitely does or does not cap thier customers. And if it is the same for all their customers (besides the ones who are slipping them extra).  I was told by Direcway that I am capped at 169mb per hour. So how does this fit or compare to what you all are saying on this subject?

I believe I read somewhere that there IS a way to uncap yourself (if using the DW4000)  Something about unhooking the cables on the back of the receiver and/or transmitter for like 15min?  I dunno...I read it somewhere tho, might've been here!!

I'm thinking the cap on Direcway service for the home user is 169MB per four hour block then once your capped the replenish rate is 50Kbps if you increase your account to a business or cooperate account the bucket gets bigger and the replenish rate is higher. There is programs you can download to monitor your usage level or you can use the one Dway has, however its usually hours behind. I read the same post Brown mentioned if you using a DW4000.The link will show you the policy and different bucket levels.


i thionk i got capped b/c i dl too much anyone know how i can solv this lol

sure do...don't download so much...and if you do get the BE of DirecWay that's $99 a month and I think another $1000 in installation charges for another (bigger) dish...also you could get Starband which has no FAP...but if you stay on the consumer plan you are on you are pretty much screwed....it limits you to 169 MB every 4 hours....and refills at a rate of around 45 (I think) Kbps so that means if you keep downloading you will stay FAPPED longer...best thing to do is just walk away from your PC and watch tv or something

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