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I know not allot about video cards. But Im ready to put one in my computer. 200 is the max I wanna spend. needs to be pci-e

Im thinking something like a 7600 maybe. I know I can get the 8600 for really close to 200.00. I just not sure I need that much card. Im a average gammer. Don't play online, I just play when Im bored and can not sleep. Unless someone can convince me that the 8600 is truly worth the extra 50 or 60 bucks. I would think the 7600 for 150 or whatever would do me just fine.

I just wanna be able to play the latest greatest games. I don't care about the fps, or bragging rights, or anything like that. Any imput greatly apreciated. In short 150.00 If I can but will stretch it to 200 if someone can convince me its something I really need to do. If you could provide the links would greatly apreciate it. Thank guys and gals in advance.

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What kind of powersupply does that video card take? I have been wanting to upgrade my video card, but I have a store bought computer(ick), which probably only has about a 350 watt power supply. I don't really want to drop too much money into it, because I am probably going to get me a real gaming computer in about a year or maybe a little less.

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What kind of powersupply does that video card take? I have been wanting to upgrade my video card, but I have a store bought computer(ick), which probably only has about a 350 watt power supply. I don't really want to drop too much money into it, because I am probably going to get me a real gaming computer in about a year or maybe a little less.

It doesn't require external power so i would say nothing under 300-350. So your 350 will do fine.

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Thank you for hooking me up lewis. I put in the order. Man buying a video card is a peta. So many darn choices. Thank goodness for forums. Takes the guess work out of it.

Looks like the card does not come with the dreded vista drivers I will probally need. I do have xp pro I use the most. But have that garbage called vista on my other drive.  If you would be so kind. Could you give me a download link for the vista drivers. Will save me some time when It shows up. Thank ya kindly sir, mam, um........I know.....human person who comes from planet earth and is able to read and understand english. Can not get much more politically correct than that.

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i have a 512mb 7950GT KO from newegg (not the superclocked one). evga brand, it kicks all of my games into high settings. now the only weakpoint is my single core 2.4ghz amd athlon 64...

but yeah the 7950gt kicks all games asses so far that i've tried. only one its struggled on is starship troopers, but thats because of my refresh rate and screen size, not really performance wise.

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I have heard form several places the 7950 with 512 vid ram kicks the 8600's but  :undecided: but it'll work.

And in 6 months there will be something else. With video cards its always something new. They are worse than cpus. Always changing. I just think a 150 bucks worth of video card should be plently to get your game on. Unless your a hardcore gammer. If your hardcore then sure, shoot for the 200 card. After talking to some hardcore gammers, they pretty much thought the same thing. No sense dropping the big money in a card if your not gonna push it.

Don't need dual core cpu just to surf the net. If my card gets to the point it will no longer plays the games, then I will upgrade. Will say a mid level pci card will play fear no problems. Seen it. Sometimes spending to much money for to little needs is just pointless. Just my 2 cents. Lewis got a feel for what I wanted, hooked me up right. Will always be grateful for that.

Right now. I just started and love playing snoopy vs the red barron. Its silly, but fun at the same time. Woodstock rides the bombs into the ship :2funny: . I have not even started call of dulty 2 yet. Im so far behind. I only play a couple hours a day 2  or 3 days a week.

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