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Now here is proof of why the canadiians do not have an army.  :smiley:


Good luck canada!  :kiss:

Tommie , I am confused  :idiot2:  nothing new, is there a problem with the link or my box ,

or are they attempting to spam there enemies  to death ?

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Now here is proof of why the canadiians do not have an army.  :smiley:


Good luck canada!  :kiss:

Ok Bro it works as "save  " , open

:haha: I worked on some french missiles , that  dont suprise me one bit  :lol:

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i take it this is the clip of the crew getting ready to launch a shoulder fired atgm? they launch and the soft-launch charge that prevents the ain motor exhaust from blasting anyone near the launcher goes off as planned but then the main motor fails to ignite causing the missile to flop to the ground panicking the crew?

(btw, no real danger there. the missile will sense that something ain't right and not arm itself. the warhead actually only arms once it has traveled a few hundred feet downrange so as to protect the launch crew.)

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Arabian Sea (SatireWire.com) — Canadian television reported Friday that a Canadian warship in the Arabian Sea had seized a tanker suspected of smuggling oil from Iraq, leading many to suspect that the report was a hoax.

The Halifax Class frigate Vancouver.


"You're kidding, right? Canada has a warship?" asked U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. "Like for war?

"Does Canada know?" he added.

"Nobody was more stunned than we were," said Kali Omari, first mate of the seized vessel. "We saw this frigate steaming toward us, and we were worried, but then we saw the maple leaf on the flag, and we thought, 'Oh, Canadians. What the hell do they want?'"

When an officer of the HMCS Vancouver announced that the tanker was about to be boarded, the crew of the detained ship was confused, said Omari, but their confusion quickly turned to anger when they saw what the Canadians sailors were carrying.

"They were armed. With guns," said Omari. "Canadians. With guns. And a warship. What is this world coming to?"

"They were pretty rude, too," Omari added. "They started asking us all sorts of questions, like 'Where did that oil come from?' But first we wanted to know who gave them the damn warship."

According to Canadian defense officials, the Vancouver is one of four frigates deployed in the region to assist in the U.S.-led Afghanistan conflict. The tanker was stopped, officials said, because its cargo of crude oil violated United Nations sanctions, which prohibit Iraq from selling oil unless in exchange for food and medicine.

The U.N. said the incident is already under investigation, and promised swift action against those found responsible for giving the Canadians guns. Initial findings indicate that the Vancouver crew may have been watching too many American television shows.

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thanks for the link Ninjageek ,  :lol:


:lol: I am just glad the Pagans are keeping a low profile on this ,we don't start no wars , and are happy enough doing the naked dancing around the fire , and the occasional fertility rites  :lol:

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