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Ok so i sold my macbook and IBM thinkpad T43 this morning. And i was debating weather to get an Asus G1S, or a MacBook Pro, so i thought id get your guys input before i buy one.....

the asus is this one here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220182

The macbook pro would be

2.4Ghz Core 2 Duo

4GB ram

160GB Hard Drive

Nvidia 8600M GT 256MB

15.4 LCD, LED Backlight

illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor  :evil6:

Firewire 800 (kinda need that)

It is going to be used for alot of Autocad, and 3D Studio Max

Give me a reason why i Should go with either one....

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Whats the price on the macbook?  If its the same as the asus and you looking for sheer computing power i guess i would go with the macbook.  Better processor, more ram, cool keyboard, etc..  But if its more $$$ then I guess its whatever is a higher priority for you.  Do you need the extra power or not.  Also do you want a Mac OS or Windows.  Its up to you.  Personally i think the asus is overpriced.  I built the exact same computer on dells website for about $1500. 

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who cares about exact specs? mac is sleek. it's cool. it lets you run macos and windows and linux. it looks sweet. it looks pricey. (well, it IS expensive. but it has a certain coolness factor you won't get from any other vendor.

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hey now just get the mac and dual boot mac osx and windows not that hard

thats what i would do, i do that now..... I just really don't like having to shut down everytime and restart back into windows every time i have to use 3dmax. Thats why i considered getting a windows notebook  so i wouldnt have to do that, and i liked the HDMI port on the asus....

But i went and saw it this morning and its just not going to happen, I could see major problems with heat. The asus has poor cooling, the macbook pro is far better with cooling.

its gonna cost like 2600 bucks but its all good, i'm going with the macbook pro.

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I could never understand why apple charges so much for their computers.  If you go by specs alone that computer dosent cost more than $1500.  Whats the extra $1100 for???????

it would be quite a bit more then that. and you gotta factor in that you are getting a LED LCD no one else has that yet... and the build quality is far better then everyone else, and you get little extras that no one else has like a firewire 800 port, DVI port that can drive there 30in LCD, a back light keyboard, a ambient light sensor, and some other stuff that no one else has.

If you were to go configure a dell XPS it would cost like $3000, but would not be as fast because they don't offer the newer intel core 2 duo on it yet, a insprion 1520 would be almost $2000 for being somewhat close but you will still dont get all of the extras the mac has.... Plus you get windows.....

Apple's also hold there value really well. If you to ebay they cost almost as much as they are brand new.

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I heard that those LED Screens are suppose to look amazing.  They installed an 84 foot LED High Definition Screen and the Football Stadium here in Buffalo.  I'm looking forward to going out there for a game to see how it looks.

they look better then any normal LCD you can buy, they have a prefect white balance accost the whole screen. And white is white, there is no yellow tinge in it like on a normal LCD...

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I heard that those LED Screens are suppose to look amazing.  They installed an 84 foot LED High Definition Screen and the Football Stadium here in Buffalo.  I'm looking forward to going out there for a game to see how it looks.

that will be the type that uses clusters of leds to display each pixel. it has nothing to do with a tft lcd display that is backlit by leds.

the point of having an led backlit display is that in a standard lcd display all the light comes from a single light source at the top or bottom of the display that is spread to cover the screen by an array of reflectors. with an led backlight there are  number of leds backlighting the display spread out over the entire area. this gives better light distribution, more brightness depending on the number of leds used and usually less power consumption.

this is opposite to the large scale led display you mentioned. that eats a buttload of power for cooling of the embedded circuits controlling the board. and if a pixel goes out, you're in trouble. it means climbing into the bastard from behind. and you can't really tell where on the board you are from there. so you have to have somebody on the ground guide you in. that means shutting off an area and having him tell you higher, lower, left, right, until you find the offending circuit. and on a display that large the circuitboard for a pixel is probably several inches by several inches with dozens of leds on it.

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