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buntz...resop...sequoia...just curious...what OS do u guys run on ur computers??...

and anyone else...i'm just looking at this page for people...

i have xp prof

I have two desktops. One runs windows XP Home,One runs Kubuntu Linux. My old laptop is still running windows 2000.

Currently Vista  on one & on my older PC Windows 98se.

resopalrabotnick  I will see if I can find out the motherboard .That one is not my main PC but still works as a backup PC.I'm planning to put a new HD in it soon .I already have the HD .When I do I will give it the no RAM test again.& see if I can let you know what mother board it has.I  have it written down somewhere but it would probably be quicker to find when I open the case.

My computer makes an audible click one second before it restarts.  It sounds like the noise that came from old harddrives when they read from the disk but its at a slighty higher tone and only lasts ... um 2/10ths of a second.

that 'clunk' the drive makes is it's way of telling you to back up any data on it. now. it is the sound it makes when the heads panic and go into the parked position because of a bad sector. you can try booting to the command prompt and running scandisk with a thorough sector by sector check a few times. if there are only a few bad sectors, it will mark them as bad and reassign them. if the problem persists or goes away and comes back and gets worse until you do the scandisk again it is definitely telling you that the clock is ticking.

I used start > run > sfc /scannow

After getting to 100% it just disappeared, maybe it was done but it didnt tell me.

So now im back from school and instead of a login screen I get a video error in the form of a grid of colored boxes filling the entire screen  :cry:  I can't get to log in screen without safe mode.  (Im currently in safe mode with networking,) 

Now I notice... disk properties, tools, check disk.

But I have to do this after restart, and the computer cant boot normaly!

(catch 22)

the clock is ticking.

Untill my computer blows up?

It took over 2 hours to check the sectors on my 500GB harddrive, and scandisk took 2 minutes.

Im back to normal boot (not safemode) and you were right on the video drivers.

This program still http://hcidesign.com/memtest/   gave me a memory error.

...The only thing I have not swaped out is the motherboard  :cry2:

Why does my game crash at autosave?

the clock until the harddrive croaks is ticking. scandisk probably took 2 minutes because you didn't have it do the thorough check sector by sector. and 2 hours sounds about right for a sector check on a 500 gig drive. as for crashing on autosave, it could be trying to get to a bad sector there. do you hear the "clunk" noise when it does that?

Ok... lol that leaves every other game, that crashes (to desktop or restarts) the computer, left to diagnose.  :knuppel2:

yesterday I had 7 crashes in an hour or so,  sad thing is i dont make any progress in the game when it crashes that often.

Thanks for all your suggestions, and time

maybe it's the thingy that reads the disc that the game is on...cd rom?? er whats it called hahaha...hehe...damn i'm funny when i try to talk computer...hahaha go ahead damnit, laugh with me...i'm funny can't u see??


crap gimme a glass of wine...it was a thought

i had a problem very similar to what was talked about in the first post. IF this problem has been solved, sorry kinda late on time and didnt read all the post. my problem was my memery, i had a gig of ddr 3200 running at 400 Mkz( i think that part is right, any way i had to underclock the mem to somewhere between 333- to 340ish i think, and after that it ran great no more crashes during gaming, like u i would crash in games

Well, tdawnaz

One game that crashes the computer most often is BF2 demo, which does not have a CD.

Memory Speeds (Kingston pc3200 rated at 400MHz)

I have gotten mem errors from my test program when I put CPU to RAM ratio to 6:5 = memory at 166 dual channel = 333MHz.  But I didnt try to play at that speed.

I increased the northbridge voltage from 1.6v to 1.68v:

Instead of finding memory errors every 5 minutes only 1 was found in half an hour.  The computer already seems more stable.  :smile2:  I have yet to do a through analysis, Im just so happy my games aren't crashing (yet? or for good? unknown). 

Something interesting:  when I set the mem to its lowest freq and its tightest timings the computer crashed when I was acessing files on it from a networked computer (possably coincidence), and crashed again when I was using calculator! lol  The memory has since been set to stock freq and timings.

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