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Today apply announced the new iPod touch with iTunes WiFi music store.


It uses the same iPhone interface, comes in 8GB ($299) and 16GB ($399) Includes wifi, youtube mobile iTunes.




This blows away anything that any other MP3 Player can do.

What do you guys think? I really hope/think they will add WiFi iTunes to the iPhone.

EDIT: It is coming to the iPhone later this month is a update.  :grin:

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to me its was a complete disappointment that they are debuting the 6th gen ipod with only 16gb of storage for 400 non the less. Up the storage and thats one fine mp3 player.

Its kinda hard to get flash to 60GB right now. I don't even use 4GB in my iPhone, but i can understand why you would want more. But thats why there are smart playlists.  If you want the storage get the iPod classic, its got 160GB of storage in that thing.

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its not just a phone. and a lot of people don't seem to have a problem paying that much for it. since it is the #1 selling selling smart phone in july. and its $399 now

i could produce a paper phone, with no functionality what-so-ever and it would be the top selling phone, if i had as much hype and review that the iphone did.
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All this kinda makes me sad. Between the p2p and apple, People buying CD's is a thing of the past. Record company's are just about a thing of the past as well. Maybe that song had it right. Today is the day music died. How sad.

no that you can buy music were ever you want with iTunes WiFi there is no need to ever go in a record store anymore.

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Think a minute ninjageek, that can't be because then no noe would record amymore. Well it just can't happen if you  think about it. Eventually it all bgoes back to normal but with maybe folks not being so big headed about it now.

Music industry is too swelled up right now. WIth the billions of dollars and crap in it.

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