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Bye Bye Hughes net.

Last week I canceled Hughes net due to issues with my system and there incompetent technical support including level 2 support.

No longer will I have to deal with them assholes that cannot talk nor understand common English.

I went back to Dial-up after being with them for 2.5 years, dial up is going to be a little slower, but its cheaper and more reliable then camel internet.

The story is long and I will make it short as to my reasons....

My modem would drag its ass, it had issues with TCP acceleration, kept going offline and would not come back on, the idiots messed with it for a bit, ran test after test after test, I got tired of the tests, I got tired of the same damn calls with different support numbers, I got tired of it all.

Then they started messing me around, they did not know what was wrong and told me it should be ok now, all they did was delete the error logs, yeah that will fix it.

They used ranging time and time again, for what, just to find my modem still did the same thing, I am done.

I hope all you Hughes net peeps get more out of it then I did, I bought all my junk, and that is all it is, JUNK, $500 for the system, $59.99 a month for the service for 2.5 years = $2299.70 and a serious headache and a big ass paper weight.


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Thats true Aggr3, it was like $10 more a month for me.

So try EVDO sparky. It might help you out.  :grin2:

And if you catch a start up deal, no equipment charges. Same goes for you Aggr3.   :wink:

I wouldn't go back.

I doubt if it's available here......I barley get cell phone service.....and even with that I have to go outside most of the time...

Way to go sparky......I'm still stuck with them for now.....as it would be more money to go to dial up with a second line....but there's hope on the horizon...lol  :azn:

Its my old Buddy Aggr3....

Long time no speak, type or what ever! Hows things with you these days?

Sadly Wildblue is not any better. :sad1: I have come to the conclusion that satellite internet in general sucks balls!!! :booty: Basically with Wildblue you get a more consistent download, but then they stick it to you on the latency!!!

It doesn't matter what time or what day of the week it is your pings will never look any better than that.

Pinging yahoo.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1188ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=1441ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=1422ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=1329ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=1250ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=1197ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=1539ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=1148ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=1267ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=1470ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 10, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 1148ms, Maximum = 1539ms, Average = 1325ms

The times you are showing are about what I used to get with Dway/Hughes.

Not no more, and I think I have some great news...... I just found out I can get Verizon DSL, I just ordered the 1.5Mbps pack! I hope verizon don't screw me again.

yeah every time i call they say it's avial. but..... after i order a few days later...order has been canceled  :buck2: so i call them there like oh your a couple of feet to far.  :cry: :cry: :shock: so thats about when i say is there anything you can do so it will be avial or when will it be avial ? they say they dont know i dont know if thats true or not but i do know they dont give a Sh*t  :2funny:

I am hoping this works........

Like others on here, this is a last attempt for me, I am not going back to Hughes Camel Net.

This is different for me, I used to test my number and nothing would work, it would tell me I don't have it available to me, now it is giving me options for packages and telling me I qualify for it.

I am not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice to get it.

Also, a contractor pulled brand new cables up on my main road about 4-6 weeks ago, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

I am hoping this works........

Like other on here, this is a last attempt for me, I am not going back to Hughes Camel Net.

This is different for me, I used to test my number and nothing would work, it would tell me I don't have it available to me, now it is giving me options for packages and telling me I qualify for it.

I am not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice to get it.

Another this also, a contractor pulled brand new cables up on my main road about 4-6 weeks ago, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

yeah i hope you can get it. i bet you its like night and day compared to hughesnet. i dont know about the cables.

Service should be on by tomorrow, parts of the upgrade should be completed today, I will find out tomorrow if I can have it or not.

They sent out the modem, it is at home ready to go, filters and all.....

I hope everything is fine, and if it is I am going to e-mail Hughesnets office and thank them for having retarded camel jockeys for tech support, and inform them that if it was not for them, I would never of found out I had DSL!


I hope everything is fine, and if it is I am going to e-mail Hughesnets office and thank them for having retarded camel jockeys for tech support, and inform them that if it was not for them, I would never of found out I had DSL!



Service should be on by tomorrow, parts of the upgrade should be completed today, I will find out tomorrow if I can have it or not.

They sent out the modem, it is at home ready to go, filters and all.....

I hope everything is fine, and if it is I am going to e-mail Hughesnets office and thank them for having retarded camel jockeys for tech support, and inform them that if it was not for them, I would never of found out I had DSL!


nice dude you've gotten farther than i ever did every time i ordered it they canceled it the next day... :icon_pale:

Some great news!

I got my install kit, all set up and ready to go, the turn on date was the 25th of September, NO GO!

Called tech support and spoke to a foreigner and they said there was an issue with my account? then I got another turn on date of the 1st of October, the 26th of September Verizon e-mailed me and told me I can't get it!

Verizon are a bunch of Mother*****rs, diligently doing nothing but upgrading services for people where the money is, in the big towns and leaving people like you and me to fester!

I asked them why I should pay the same as people in town and have less services and upgrades, I got no answer to that one.

Anyway, I am trying a Wireless card from my cell phone provider and it is not much faster then a dial up modem, and for $60 a month, it is going back under its 14 day return policy.

Thought I would let you all know the outcome of this and to tell you Verizon suck.


I can go and bye an EVDO card from other phone companies around here, but EVDO is not available on any network around here, I did ask them why they are selling them if the service is not available and they told me it will come one day!  :uglystupid2:

Go figure that one out.....  :cheesy:

  • 1 month later...

So im guessing its a rev A card, which you should be able to get some good speeds off it

on alltels site its says this:

Alltel Wireless Internet gives you fast wireless access to the Web and your corporate network from the convenience of your laptop or smartphone.

Whether you're using a smart phone or your laptop with your phone as a modem or a data card, staying connected has never been easier.

Stay on top and in touch - Access your e-mail and schedule while you travel.

Get more done - Connect directly to your corporate network and enterprise applications.

Connect quickly and securely - Get secure connections at speeds up to 2.4 Mbps.

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