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If you are planning to install a new operating system on it, you will come out better just inserting the OS disc into the CD-Rom and allowing it to guide you to the install screen. You will have the option to format the drive there.

If not, go here Bootdisk.com and download a copy of the Windows 98SE OEM (use alternative 1 or 2). Restart the pc with the floppy in the drive and allow the computer to boot from the floppy. You will then be able to utilize several dos commands. I'm not too sure as I haven't used dos in awhile, but I think the format command is

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if you have a NTFS partition the boot disc from win 98 wont find the partition

in that case i suggest you to open BIOS ( on my pc press "delete" key as soon as your pc starts up )

then change boot sequence from default 1st bootdevice floppy, change that to cdrom  and ( on my pc click F10 to save and exit ) insert your OS in your cdrom and follow the installation guide

if you installing XP you can choose to delete the c: partition and make a new partition in un allocated space, then windows will format the new partition for you.

good luck

VanBuren :)

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:? Hmmmm thats strange because I have NTFS and have used a boot disk (98se and ME)3or 4 times and then used FDISK and format and installed XP after it made a new partition on my c-drive it even gives several choices how you want to set up the new install, the
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i used to run dual boot win 98 and xp, and runned NTFS and XP on c: and FAT32 on D: with win 98

win 98 cant read NTFS and the partition never showed up when i runned 98. so i figure i format c: to FAT 32 and reinstall XP on that.

plugged in win 98 bootdisc and clouldnt find the NTFS partition

it found the d: that i have win 98 installed on, reporting that as c:

so i installed Partition magic on win 98 and formated it from that, somehow that program found it  :D

VanBuren :)

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I have a huge problem, i used the Format C: /s buet then!!!....

When i change my boot sequance to CDrom as primary, so i can boot from a compaq windows xp cd it will start checking my hardware confuguration. So far so good, but when it opens the blue windows setup screen it just crashes, nothing happens. Not that i dislike blue, but i expect a bit more from a pentium 4 LOL!

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XP setup has proven to be a Royal pain in the Arse.....My suggestions:

1. make sure your internet connection is unplugged/disabled. Sasser worm just loves fresh installations...

2. run FDISK from a command prompt & create active partition (C:) after formatting.

3. download XP setup discs from Microsoft http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;310994&spid=1173&sid=global

4. run the setup disks & cross your fingers.

this procdure worked for me on a hung blue-screen XP install recently, good luck ~! ;) ;)


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