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Hey guys, here's how to use Jitter to check received SmartBro signal quality.

The General Status tab in the Home page of the Canopy SM displays current

values for Jitter. This is an index of overall received signal quality. Interpret the jitter

value as indicated in the table shown below.

A Subscriber Module whose jitter value is constant at 14 may have an incoming packet

efficiency of 100%. However, an SM whose jitter value is 14 is likely to have

even higher jitter values as interfering signals fluctuate in strength over time. So, do not

consider 14 to be acceptable. Avoiding a jitter value of 15 should be the highest priority in

establishing a link. At 15, jitter causes fragments to be dropped and link efficiency to


Canopy modules calculate jitter based on both interference and the modulation scheme.

For this reason, values on the low end of the jitter range that are significantly higher in 2X

operation can still be indications of a high quality signal. For example, where the amount

of interference remains constant, an SM with a jitter value of 3 in 1X operation can

display a jitter value of 7 when enabled for 2X operation.

However, on the high end of the jitter range, do not consider the higher values in 2X

operation to be acceptable. This is because 2X operation is much more susceptible to

problems from interference than is 1X. For example, where the amount of interference

remains constant, an SM with a jitter value of 6 in 1X operation can display a jitter value

of 14 when enabled for 2X operation. As indicated in the table below, these values are


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