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Well!!! I am having some problem in my SONY DVD WRITER.

It was working fine few days back. But now i am unable to write DVD's from it. Though DVD-RW can be perfectly recorded but having some problem in DVD-R. I have wasted over 10 DVD's now. now looks serious and confusing too.  [nerdly]:roll:

when i write DVD-R after 1% it shows power calliberation error.

but i can write DVD-RW. no probs with it.

can anybody plz help me  :cry2:

Thank u

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Guest ExtremeFusion


Some DVD writer are very picky...

if you could remember in your DVD writer's manual there is a list of supported media.. eg. Sony DVD-R +/-, Imation DVD-R +/-...so on and so forth

maybe what you have (the DVD-R) isn't on the list or not supported..

Well I am no expert when it comes to DVD, I'm just trying to help out.

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I have had similar problems with dvd writers , and one was a Sony ,

are you using Nero burning ? the Nero info tool kit will list the drive and the supported formats , my Sony dvd writer lost the dvd - R function

and and made excellent coasters of dvd disks that I had been using ,

it was cheaper to buy a new dvd writer ,

the only temp. cure was to reboot , then it would sometimes work  :evil2:

it still writes CD's ok , so it found a home in my spare computer ,

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If your specific DVD writer(burner) doesn't write DVD-R or did & has stopped.You may be able to flash it's firmware.Basically the BIOS for the DVD writer's chip.

btw the "chip" manufacturer may not be Sony But maybe lite-on for example & there are some others.It may have a Mediatek chip set.So check them for the flash also.

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Sorry i got late in my reply...

so,,,... i have changes the brands. its not a bad brand match....

actually it has stoped working.

well not to worry now. i contacted my vendor. it's in warranty period  :wink2:

he will get it repaired .. YO  :cool2:

Thanks to all by the way

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