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My son has just started driving a truck. He just got himself a laptop. I really no nothing about laptops and gps. So I thought you good people could give me some info.

1. Is there a monthy fee for any gps software.

2. I thought about microsoft roads that has a gps with it from staples, http://www.staples.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StaplesProductDisplay?&langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&productId=187814&cmArea=SEARCH

3. Does he have to have internet acess for gps??

4. What kinda software would you recomend to track stolen laptops. I know its out there. Just not sure what would be the best?? Thanks guys and gals.

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My son has just started driving a truck. He just got himself a laptop. I really no nothing about laptops and gps. So I thought you good people could give me some info.

1. Is there a monthy fee for any gps software.

2. I thought about microsoft roads that has a gps with it from staples, http://www.staples.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StaplesProductDisplay?&langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&productId=187814&cmArea=SEARCH

3. Does he have to have internet acess for gps??

4. What kinda software would you recomend to track stolen laptops. I know its out there. Just not sure what would be the best?? Thanks guys and gals.

1. IDK about software for a computer, but on a normal GPS there is no monthly fee unless you want the traffic updates and the extra crap.

2. that works

3. No, he will plus a card into a PCMCIA slot on his notebook or USB.

4. Don't loose it. The software is a joke because the notebook has to be pluged into the internet for it to work. And anyone with half a brain that would take the notebook is not going to plug it into the internet.

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I thank you sir, or mam or 13 year old kid.  :haha:

Thats god to you  :police:

LOL dude. you got it right with sir...he's married.  i think hes like 20ish? 21 maybe?

WHAT! your too lazy to click my name and find out how old I am.... And I thought you were my friend  :undecided:jk

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Thats god to you  :police:

WHAT! your too lazy to click my name and find out how old I am.... And I thought you were my friend  :undecided:jk

:haha: :haha: :haha:

Yeh dlewis i just checked your name. lol i was close you are 20. lol.  oh btw...lol since we're still buddies, you mind giving me your IMac? ...just a loaner....  :2funny:

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:haha: :haha: :haha:

Yeh dlewis i just checked your name. lol i was close you are 20. lol.  oh btw...lol since we're still buddies, you mind giving me your IMac? ...just a loaner....  :2funny:

Oh sure let me just mail it too you.... Would you like me to do anything else? shine your shoes, do your homework, get you a job?  :uglystupid2:

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:haha:  nah...i just sleep through the class...im there tho.  lol i dont skip..i catch up on sleep

ok...  :whaa: I use to do the same thing, but then It started getting boring so I would just skip and go too the one teacher that actually liked me.  :2funny:

had some benefits too, hot teacher, and alot of hot girls in her classes  :cool2:

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