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hey i found this web site were they have a lot of neat things. to tweak up ur xp, not all are safe which u should read before doing a specific tweak. the web site is www.tweakxp.com -- its pretty kool,  i did one were u disable the large system cache man i dont know specifically what it did but man its super fast. i mean all my programs and even the internet, and i have sat. but go ahead and check it out. laterz

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hey i found this web site were they have a lot of neat things. to tweak up ur xp, not all are safe which u should read before doing a specific tweak. the web site is www.tweakxp.com -- its pretty kool,  i did one were u disable the large system cache man i dont know specifically what it did but man its super fast. i mean all my programs and even the internet, and i have sat. but go ahead and check it out. laterz

Yea I used to go there riiiight when XP came out, haven't been there in a while.

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Guest helloimtim

Be real careful messing with that stuff. It may crash xp or make it slower. Messing with the system cache persoanlly I dont recomend it. Sooner or later it may make xp turn to garbage. Generally speaking tweaking at best will maybey help a tiny bit but not enough to notice. If your tweaking to learn how xp works thats cool. If your teaking just to do it. Leave it alone. I tweked my some. Learned allot. Reloaded xp allot.

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