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So I got a new LCD TV for my bedroom in january. And I wanted to mount it on the wall like our old 32in was. But the new 42in I got had a problem with the mounting bracket I had. The current bracket that I was using was too small for this TV. the mounting holes are to the outer edge instead of the center like on the 32in TV. So it was like 3 inches off on each edge.  I was going to fix it when I first got it, but Just kept having other things to do. I finally got around to mounting it tonight, and it came out really well.

I went to HD and got some 1/4 in steal strips, poped some holes in that with my new Drill Press  :grin: and mounted them too the TV then mounted the bracket too the strips of steal, and It worked out well. its a little bit further off the wall then I would like, but I can live with it. I wanted to flush mount it in the wall, but there is only a 1/2 in gap in the wall, so that would just not work.

Which lead me to my next problem. Since its a concrete wall there is only a half in gap in between the drywall and exterior wall, With a ton of blow in insulation which just sucks. But back too the problem, this TV used a standard 3 prong power connector, and anyone that knows what they look like know they are a little bit bigger then a half inch. So it didn't really fit in the wall  :haha:. So I had to kinda of make my own power cable so I could get it through the wall and power the TV.

Other then that its all good. And looks good, Much cleaner this way. Better then having it sit on a box.

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Luckey dog, looks nice, real nice!    BTW, (what D said) sound familiar aggr3?  :evil6:

Hell, if I had one in the BR, the ol lady would be on my ass about me havin it connected to the damn computer instead of watchin TV  :2funny:

I have a 13" on the dresser , wich is like 15" away, funny, if I lay there and watch it, then get up for somethin, my eye's are all farked up for a minute, can't focus to save my life  :2funny:

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Luckey dog, looks nice, real nice!    BTW, (what D said) sound familiar aggr3?  :evil6:


Well i gotta say it looks like you did a good job, maybee you can give the install techs i work with a lesson on doing a good install

Well after the 500th time doing it you kinda get the hang of it. lol

Are the install techs really bad or something?

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I dont want to say they are all bad but sometimes the quality work that you want is lacking, ive seen sat dishes mounted on trees burned out cars you name it,

Thats pretty bad. Ive seen some really shotty work as well. Even from my own guys, in homes that are 10 million + where you just can't have stupid little things. Some people just don't care.

Ive had guys that use cat5 as speaker wire. Don't know how that happened. Ive even had guys put a projector in upside down. A blind guy probably wouldn't even do that.

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The way i look at things is im gonna do it the way i want it done, it was actualy kinda funny with the dish mounted on the burned out car, he was getting signal loss, i asked him what has changed and he said the car got a flat tire, all i heard next was 3 psssshhh, the guy took out a knife and flattened the other tires and he got the signal back, can you believe that shit

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