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They are only $600 bucks.


finally they are starting to drop the price of the high end card. Much better then 800 bucks like the 8800 utlra is.

It looks like a real nice card, and the benchmarks show. But I have read there have been a lot of heat issues with it on some motherboards.

EDIT: This price drop in the high end GPU, and only releasing a motherboard for AMD has to show that they are getting scared of what intel is doing.

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EDIT: This price drop in the high end GPU, and only releasing a motherboard for AMD has to show that they are getting scared of what intel is doing.

I may have misinterpreted what you meant here,but Nvidia did come out with a new chipset for a Intel chip. It call the 790i Ultra.


They also have the 780i that came out not to long ago.


As for the 9800x2 that is a good price,but this card is nothing new. It is just two 8800 GTS  join together and down clocked a little. This card is mostly for the Intel chipset motherboard owner that can not run SLI. Two 8800 GTS will run just as fast in most games as the 9800x2 and you can get them for $80.00 less. Cheaper with mail in rebates.



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EDIT: This price drop in the high end GPU, and only releasing a motherboard for AMD has to show that they are getting scared of what intel is doing.

I may have misinterpreted what you meant here,but Nvidia did come out with a new chipset for a Intel chip. It call the 790i Ultra.


They also have the 780i that came out not to long ago.


As for the 9800x2 that is a good price,but this card is nothing new. It is just two 8800 GTS  join together and down clocked a little. This card is mostly for the Intel chipset motherboard owner that can not run SLI. Two 8800 GTS will run just as fast in most games as the 9800x2 and you can get them for $80.00 less. Cheaper with mail in rebates.



I had heard about the new chipset for intel. but no one said if it did the smart thing like with the AMD one where it only uses the 9800 when it a graphic intensive app.

And by price drop I ment for like when the cards just came out. the top of the line 8800 was more when it first came out then this card is.

And I would think right now, the people that would be most interested in a 9800 would be ones with a high resolution monitor, because it performs well at like 1920x1200 or higher.

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I had heard about the new chipset for intel. but no one said if it did the smart thing like with the AMD one where it only uses the 9800 when it a graphic intensive app.

And by price drop I ment for like when the cards just came out. the top of the line 8800 was more when it first came out then this card is.

I understand now. :uglystupid2:

I do not know about using the 9800 for graphic intensive app. As for the price of top end card they are a lot cheaper then the 8800 was when it first came out. When ATI came out with their 3780 x2 for $ 499.00 ,I think it kind of limited what Nvidia could charge for their high end card, even tho the Nvidia card is a lot better card.

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I found it really cool how they stuck 2 8800's together to make one card. and when you crossfire 2 of them its like runnings 4 gpu's at once. heres an idea for a gpu just stick 5 nvidia 8800's togother and crossfire 2 of them so you have 10 chipsets and just stick a big ass fan onto it to keep it cool. there no telling what they will think of next.

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I found it really cool how they stuck 2 8800's together to make one card. and when you crossfire 2 of them its like runnings 4 gpu's at once. heres an idea for a gpu just stick 5 nvidia 8800's togother and crossfire 2 of them so you have 10 chipsets and just stick a big ass fan onto it to keep it cool. there no telling what they will think of next.

well you cant run nvidia cards in crossfire

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I found it really cool how they stuck 2 8800's together to make one card. and when you crossfire 2 of them its like runnings 4 gpu's at once. heres an idea for a gpu just stick 5 nvidia 8800's togother and crossfire 2 of them so you have 10 chipsets and just stick a big ass fan onto it to keep it cool. there no telling what they will think of next.

I think you got a little mixed up there. LOL. But I know what ya ment.

The next thing they are going to do is to actually remove the video card. By the end of the year intel is actually going to have CPU's with a GPU built into the processor. First they are doing the GMA x4500 which will be 3 times faster then a x3100 then they are going to release the GPU on a CPU which is suppose offer performance thats just as fast as a high performance Graphics card from nvida or ATI, and it will cost a lot less.

When they replace the Core microarchitecture with the Nehalem microarchitecture later this year, your going to start to see all this.

And this has actually scared NVIDIA, there have been a lot of rumors that they are going to buy AMD so they could still compete.

I personally can't wait for whats next. Because creative companies like Apple are going to have a field day with the way there computers look.

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Ah yes "D", I'm w/ you, but I don't see any advantage to Intel buying AMD,  who will they look at for there next project? It will be all Intel, and the consumer would suffer immensly. I do like the fact ( at least for now) of the mac/intel marrage, but just think about Intel controlling the entire market. Not good at all.

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Ah yes "D", I'm w/ you, but I don't see any advantage to Intel buying AMD,  who will they look at for there next project? It will be all Intel, and the consumer would suffer immensly. I do like the fact ( at least for now) of the mac/intel marrage, but just think about Intel controlling the entire market. Not good at all.

Intel controlling the entire market would not be good at all for anyone. Having AMD doing these little jumps up in performance is very good. Because intel goes ok you got this well we will come out with this thats 30% faster then you. Intel is kicking there ass and singing about it.

Apple + Intel is the perfect thing for the industry, because Apple will keep intel in line. And Jobs loves intel, so they get special things (that tiny ass processor in the Macbook Air)

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