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I need a GOOD guide to the BC43XX firmware on my G4, not a guess, or " I think " , but some real stuff here, I know there's real issues w/ the firmware being released, I also know many people have had success. If you have , please relay to me the exact procedure you used, weather it be the "cutter " or ndsiwrapper.

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I scrapped that piece of junk ubuntu, they had a good thing going, but for the love of pete, what a mess. !!!!!!

Going to fedora 9 PPC, so far, beats the death out of ubuntu , even in hardy's beta. I haven't gotten far enough on Fedora to get the wireless up yet, so hold your hats.

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Fandora and Mandrake are the best for wireless i hear

but i have really expiroment with wireless on linux very lil

I cant believe 2 mods have not try out linux

What two mods?  I have used more linux distros then I have fingers and toes combined  :haha:

  Hey dark , what is your native language? Always wondered that.

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What two mods?  I have used more linux distros then I have fingers and toes combined  :haha:

  Hey dark , what is your native language? Always wondered that.

Im Hispanic

but im really more fluent in english than i am in spanish

Born in Miami

but im the weirdest Mexican u know

I act "white" according to my friends

i just dont let my skin color define who i am

I lOve rock and technology which is not your typical mexican behavior

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Im Hispanic

but im really more fluent in english than i am in spanish

Born in Miami

but im the weirdest Mexican u know

I act "white" according to my friends

i just dont let my skin color define who i am

I lOve rock and technology which is not your typical mexican behavior

Nah, your not "weird" your just like the rest of us man.  I just never knew thats all. So what how you act anyway, it really doesn't matter.

Anyhow, i just get into the PPC (I have a new world PPC iBook G4 , discontinued last year mac ) thing in which there really isn't a whole lot going on with right now, and probably won't be ,there's a select few even developing for it. So thats why when I ask about something like that , I don't get many , if any reply's.

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Mudmanc4 Did you get this problem solved? I can not even get the Fedora-9 live CD to boot off the CD. It keeps asking for a Login & Password. Is there a default Login & Password?

I havent tried the live cd, I have never heard of a live cd asking for a password  :haha: :haha:  Not funny when you want to use it I know, but I feel your pain, I still can't login as root. I have even tried  "su - "  nope.  Gnome wasn't my desktop, Kde was, every re start, Gnome takes over  :haha:  Remember , this is the beta , they should release here in the next few days.
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I have not had any time to mess with it yet. I do have my laptop dual booted with Vista 64 and Mandriva right now. I like Mandriva, I just can't get the wireless to work on it. When it come to Linux I am a noob and now that I am back to work  I do not have the time to mess with it.

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There are many drivers for linux wireless, but nvidia hasnt released the firmware info, so it is soley developed by open source coders.

Maybe in your spare time you can catch a few articles on the subject.

Here's a start for you, Ill update when i get things going myself.


I'm using Fedora 9 right now, no wireless yet.

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  • 1 month later...

I need a GOOD guide to the BC43XX firmware on my G4, not a guess, or " I think " , but some real stuff here, I know there's real issues w/ the firmware being released, I also know many people have had success. If you have , please relay to me the exact procedure you used, weather it be the "cutter " or ndsiwrapper.

I had an HP pavilion ze4130us (not sure if that is the exact model)  But ndiswrapper worked well..

You can get a copy of the windows driver here: http://www.freewebs.com/ronserver/bcm43xx.tar.gz

The rest of this is from memory..  I ran:

ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver.inf

ndiswrapper -l (lists the loaded drivers)

/sbin/modprobe ndiswrapper

At that point Network Manager should be able to see the wireless card.. otherwise reboot if down eth0 and see if ifconfig shows the wireless card.

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