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I have seen and used all the fancy stuff in both lynux and vista. Desktop cube, the windows flip, all the other stuff. So do you really find any of it usefull at all? If so what do you use the most??

The only  programs that I really find usefull and use all the time is "winroll". You right click on the very top of the open window and it rolls up. http://www.palma.com.au/winroll/

Deskpins I use allot to. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Other-Desktop-Enhancements/DeskPins.shtml

I also use iconoid http://www.sillysot.com/ . Keeps my icons where I put them.

And last but not least, stardocks, objectdock. I use the free version. I have weather, a clock, access to programs I use the most.  And thats all I use.

The other stuff you get with lynux and vista, I just found no use for. Sure looks cool but thats about it. The programs I mention I use are free. I do use "explorerxp" http://www.explorerxp.com/ When I want to find out what programs are takeing up what space.  And CCleaner. is something I use every day. That it.

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