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on tv or the internet??...if it's on tv...just get rid of the tv...who needs it...if it's on the internet...just block those sites like i do for my grandkids...they can't open any new websites without my permission...and limit the times she can go on...and tell ur sister to go get a job...find something else to do...bake cookies for us...that's what i propose

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take away her permissions to download anything...

how old r we talkin here??

if she's old enough to work and she's not then she doesn't deserve to use high end household resources...period...gotta pay ur way...if a kid is workin hard they're too tired at the end of the day to get into trouble...who cares if it's cool...send her to me...i'll straighten her out :) and she'll love it

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tell her to get a job and pay for the net or move out !

LMFAO! Haha, simply remove the P2P Software, all I can really say, there's not much to filter with limewire. Hopefully you'll be able to see eye to eye, that software just isn't for a teenager, it has pornography alongside of virus, malware, spyware, the lists. So heed what I say, simply remove it if it's causing such a fuss.

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Yeah, I told her about porn and viruses, and I think up to now she's still ok on that (no one's been complaining), and I just might end up deleting limewire after all. Is there anything I can do to prevent her from reinstalling it again? I guess I could block the port it uses or block it with a firewall...

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