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So what do you all think about the new Xbox 360 interface?

I'm ok with it, it looks pretty good, some things are a bit harder to find but that is probably because i'm so use to the old interface. The only thing I don't really like is the stupid fake ass mii thing's. Couldn't Microsoft come up with anything else but this crap they copied from the wii. Besides the fact that you can't make one that doesn't look gay, they are always like dancing or sleeping.

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Yeah, I hate the avatars.  Its just, stupid.  360ers aren't 7 year olds.  Most of us are teen's to young adults, who could care less about these stupid avatars.

Party mode is awesome.  Finally, I don't have to listen to a bunch of bratty shits while playing COD.  I can just talk to my friends.

Game installs are pretty cool too.  Fallout, Madden, and COD load and feel smooth running from the HD.  NTM how much quiter the living room is without that damn drive spinning so loud.  Plus, I don't have to worry about the discs while my 360 is standing vertically.

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Yeah, I hate the avatars.  Its just, stupid.  360ers aren't 7 year olds.  Most of us are teen's to young adults, who could care less about these stupid avatars.

They may be in there teens, but they act like they are 7 years old. I hate playing online most of the time because they are so fucking dumb.

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Game installs are pretty cool too.  Fallout, Madden, and COD load and feel smooth running from the HD.  NTM how much quiter the living room is without that damn drive spinning so loud.  Plus, I don't have to worry about the discs while my 360 is standing vertically.

they made it more into a Playstation 3.

I haven't used the new interface much, because right after i got it my xbox got the red ring of death. but i kinda got confused just looking to play the game. they have so much crap on it that i dont care about.

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I love it because it looks more like a entertainment system now.....I have to agree with the avatars they could have done without....but the netflix thing is big deal for me....I love being able to watch movies and still talk to my friends

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