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hi there ist been a while since i visit this cool site

just want to ask if there are new ways of tweak using cablenut using http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php

as a calculator cause when i  click TCP/IP Analyzer there are no SCALE FACTOR 2 4 or 8?

pls help me


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Lord knows over the years I have tried about every program to tweak a cable connection. I even used to use cablenut. Then I found this free program and never looked back.  http://www.iobit.com/advancedwindowscareper.html  this program rocks. I even use the defrager from the same website. Let it load with windows and it will defrag when no harddrive activity for 5 min. Works great.

Give it a shot. Reboot. See what ya think. If it does not work for ya we will see about the cablenut help.

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but this program is same as CCLeaner

it only clean files

Wrong grasshoper. As far as getting rid of junk files CCleaner is still better. This program will optimize your internet settings and will clean the registry. Give it a shot. Its free. Run it, reboot your computer see what happens.

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