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What is the biggest file you have ever downloaded  

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  1. 1. What is the biggest file you have ever downloaded

    • Less than 500MB
    • Less than 1GB
    • Less than 5GB
    • Less than 10GB
    • Less than 50GB
    • Less than 100GB

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After over a year since the release of the service,  I finally qualify for the Verizon 7.1Mbps service. I kinda had a feeling that it was going to happen because my internet was down for several hours last weekend. I will have the full service set up and running by Thursday when I receive the new modem which my Westell 2200 only supports 3Mbps speeds according to the rep. Anyways, I'm just thrilled to actually gonna be able to download with the big boys once again :haha:

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Really? It should only take you about 5-7  hours to download 11GB since you download at around 1.25MB/s     5MB every 4 seconds and 65MB every minute  so thats 650 every 10 minutes  and 6.5GB every 2 hours 40 minutes but it depends on how good the file is seeding all that matters.

A lot of people don't seed anymore and it takes longer. Where are you downloading torrents at 1.25MB? I've never seen it go that good! :tickedoff:

I was referring to you since you got the 10Mbps speed   which is 10000Kbps   the conversion is divided by 8 from Kbps to MB/s  which yours is 1250. Move the decimal over to the left 2 spots and you get just about your MB/s speed  maybe closer to 1.2MB/s. My friend got the 20Mbps package and he can get a little over 2.25MB/s

It depends on the torrent though. Try downloading the latest Indiana Jones movie and let me know how high it goes. Download it from  torrents.to   no www in it  just torrents.to  type in Indiana Jones axxo  and select btjunkie in the drop down box. It be the first one with 30,999 seeders.  Let it download for about 5-10 minutes as it should reach max speed.

So with mine after this Thursday, my speed will be about 880KB/s download  105KB/s upload. Right now, my average download speed is 365KB/s. My upload is what shocks me as I have been getting well over the 96KB/s (768Kbps) limit by Verizon. My upload is stable around 105KB/s (840Kbps) with the installation of the Verizon DSL Optimizer.

I received the new Westell 7500 modem today after I just set up the upgrade yesterday. The person said I will receive the 7.1Mbps by Thursday but as early as tomorrow. After hooking up the new modem, I am well over the limit of 3360Kbps/832Kbps according to the old modem at its maxed speed.

This is my current speed after hooking up the new modem but the 7.1Mbps service have not started yet.

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 4010 Kbps about 4.01 Mbps (tested with 6144 kB)

Download Speed is:: 490 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 662 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 81 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/02/03 - 2:48pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KE9VGOAIW

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2ZDNB6A34

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2) Gecko/20081201 Firefox/3.1b2 [!]

Now a part that I am worried about. When Verizon upgraded my speed a bit, some of my numbers went down and I'm wondering if my line can hold the new connection.

Transceiver Statistics

Transceiver Revision A2pB020b3.d19d

Vendor ID Code 4D54

Line Mode ADSL_G.dmt


Transceiver Information  Down Stream Path//////Up Stream Path

DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec) 5024////800

Margin (dB) 5.9/////10.0

Line Attenuation (dB) 48.0//////28.0

Transmit Power (dBm) 19.6/////////11.9

My margin for download is normally around 14.5 dB and the line attenuation for download and upload was 52 and 18 respectively. The Transmit Power did not change. The sound on my phone surely have got louder compared to the old 2200 modem.

According to Verizon, they said I signed up for the 5Mbps but according to a Tech Support Representative, they claimed that their 7.1Mbps is actually 5Mbps just to fool those who think 7.1Mbps is the fastest  :idiot2:. 7.1Mbps radio ads were going around Baltimore yesterday saying 7.1Mbps and Phone for Business for $79.99. That is the price I pay for both now but I'm not a business.. I'm a resident like everyone else. I just don't understand. I signed a new commitment for 7.1 not 5 and I'm paying 7.1 speed but I am not receiving the 7.1 service  and my upgrade according to Verizon is completed. Shouldn't the 5Mbps be cheaper or same price as the 7.1 if I am not receiving the 7.1 service?

I am going to call the Billing and Sales Department later this morning and ask them why I ain't receiving 7.1 service. I also found out through my local news that the State of Maryland sued Verizon for providing poor service and not receiving service problems by customer complaints to the Public Service Commission. They reached a settlement and Verizon now have to compensate everyone who is receiving poor or not receiving internet service according to the service plan the customer have chose.

You think I have been tricked by Verizon on the 7.1Mbps is really 5Mbps scheme or is there really 7.1Mbps service out there?

You think I have been tricked by Verizon on the 7.1Mbps is really 5Mbps scheme or is there really 7.1Mbps service out there?

I think "Hosed" is more of the word your looking for. Some where in the fine print it will and most likely say speeds up to 7.1Mpbs. They like to play that line for crap service. :wink:

Well according to Verizon as of Monday February 2nd, portions of Baltimore,MD now have a 5M/768K tier service at $39.99/mo  and when the 7.1 becomes available, it may be available at no additional cost or just $3 more at the cost of $42.99/mo if there is any kind of promotion available.

I easily topped 5.7Mbps last night after my modem was set to 5120/800 during the day and 5888/800 during the night so I can tell everyone, call about and see if the 5Mbps tier service is available in your area and get it so with the accelerated speeds during the night, it'll have the feel of close to 7.1Mbps for under $40.

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